panchkulat hatye gaye gst

Whereas Sh Ajit Singh Son of Sh. Diwan Singh resident of House No. 276,
Sector 14, Panchkula was engaged as Sanskrit Teacher in GSSS Bar Godam, Panchkula
by the then DDO Ravinder Kumar Arora, BEO on 19.05.2007. Subsequently, it has
been found that some of the guest faculty were engaged, in violation of the

departmental instructions dated 29.11.2005 and time to time guidelines issued by the
Department regarding the engagement of the guest faculty. To ascertain the correctness
of the facts all. the District Education Officers were directed vide letter dated
27.10.2010 to inquire into the matter and send the report to the Directorate that how
many guest faculty are engaged by the DDO in violation of the departmental instruction
in their respective district. As per report of the District Education Officers, it has been
found that 719 guest faculty in all streams are engaged contrary to the instructions.
It reveals from the report that your initial engagement as Sanskrit Teacher in
GSSS Bar Godam by the concerned DDO was also in violation of the departmental
instructions because you do not have requisite qualification in your credit at the time of
your appointment as Sanskrit Teacher. The qualification of Sanskrit Teacher as per
Haryana School Education Rules, 1998 is prescribed as under:-
Shastri/BA (Hons In Sansluit).
LTC/OT in Sanskrit conducted by Haryana Education Department or an
equivalent qualification recognized by the Haryana Education Department
or BT/B.Ed. with Sanskrit as teaching subject from recognized university.
Note in case, the candidates of above qualifications are not available then
BA with Sanskrit as an elective subject with BT /B.Ed. from a recognized
university with Sanskrit as teaching subject shall be considered.
3. Knowledge of Hindi upto Matric Standard.
Whereas you have passed B.A. with English, Hindi, Sanlcrit and Economics and
without O.T. or B.Ed. Consequently, a show cause notice was issued to you vide memo
No. E-IV/11/8333/51 dated 04.07.11 that why your service may not be dispensed with
being engaged as guest faculty contrary to the departmental instructions. Your reply to
terminated w.e.f.
I order accordingly.
Directo ary Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Deputy DI ector
0/o Director Elementary Education,
Haryana Panchkula
the show cause notice dated nil is duly considered by the Director Secondary
Education, Haryana. In compliance of the Hon'ble Court direction passed in Civil Writ
Petition No. 4587 of 2011 dated 05.08.2011, an opportunity of personal hearing is also
given to you on 03.08.12 to put forward your defense in support of your claim before
the departmental committees headed by Deputy Director School respectively. A
committee submits its report to the undersigned and observed that your appointment as
Sanskrit Teacher guest faculty is against the Govt. Instructions.
After going through the reply filed by you and report of the committee, it has
been found that your initial engagement was-not in accorditice with the departmental
instructions because you have not possessed requisite qualification in your credit at the
time of your initial engagement as guest faculty. Consequently, your service is hereby
Sh Ajit Singh Son of Sh. Diwan Singh
resident of House No. 276, Sector 14, Panchlcula.
Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula, the
A copy is forwarded to the following for info_ rmation aannd necessary action.
District Education Officer/District Elementary Education Officer Panchkula
Principal/Head Master Bar Godam, Panchkula.
Whereas Sh. Dinesh Kumar Son of Sh. Jasmer Singh Nain resident of House
No. 11 Shahbad Sugar Mill was engaged as Science Master in GMS , Dhaman by the
then DDO H.N. Rai Garg, (BED Morni) on 18.04.2007. Subsequently, it has been
found that some of the guest faculty were engaged, in violation of the departmental
instructions dated 29.11.2005 and time to time guidelines issued by the Department
regarding the engagement of the guest faculty. To ascertain the correctness of the facts
all the District Education Officers were directed vide letter dated 27.10.2010 to inquire
into the matter and send the report to the Directorate that how many guest faculty are
engaged by the DDO in violation of the departmental instruction in their respective
district. As per report of the District Education Officers, it has been found that 719
guest faculty in all streams are engaged contrary to the instructions.
It reveals from the report that your initial engagement as Science Master in
GMS Dhaman by the concerned DDO was also in violation of the departmental
instructions because you do not have requisite qualification in your credit at the time of
your appointment as Science Master. The qualification of Science Master in History as
per Haryana School Education Rules, 1998 is prescribed as under:-
B.Sc. with B.Ed. from a recognized university with any of the two subjects
in B.Sc. i) Physics, ii) Chemistry, iii) Botany, iv) Zoology.
B.Sc. Education (4 years course) from a recognized university with any of
the two subjects out of the following:- i) Physics, ii) Chemistry, iii) Botany,
iv) Zoology, v) _ _
3. Knowledge of Hindi upto Matric Standard.
Whereas you have passed B.Sc with Physics . Consequently, a show cause
notice was issued to you vide memo No. 309/11 dated 06.07.11 by Block Education
Officer, Morni that why your service may not be dispensed with being engaged as guest
faculty contrary to the departmental instructions. Your reply to theshow cause notice
dated nil is duly considered by the Director Secondary Education, Haryana: In
compliance of the Hon'ble Court direction passed in Civil Writ Petition No. 4587 of
Haryana Panchkula
2011 dated 05.08.2011, an opportunity of personal hearing is also given to you on
30.07.12 to put forward your defense in support of your claim before the departmental
committees headed by Dy. Director School respectively. A committee submits its report
to the undersigned and observed that your appointment as Science Master Guest faculty
is against the Govt. Instructions.
After going through the reply filed by you and report of the committee, it has
been found that your initial engagement was not in accordance with the departmental
instructions because you have not possessed requisite qualification in your credit at the
time of your initial engagement as guest faculty. Consequently, your service is hereby
terminated w.e.f.
I order accordingly.
Sh. Dinesh Kumar Son of Sh. Jasmer Singh Nain
resident of House No. 11 Shahbad Sugar Mill.
Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action.
District Education Officer/District Elementary Education Officer Panchkula
Principal/Head Master BEG Monti, Panchkula.
Deputy girector
0/o Director Elementary Education,
Haryana Panchkula
Whereas Smt. Vaneeta Devi daughter of Sh. Ram Chander punia resident of
House No. 206, GH-18, Sector 20, Panchkula was engaged as Hindi Teacher in GHS
Baldwala by the then DDO Snit. Shashi Sharma on 12.01.2006. Subsequently, it has
been found that some of the guest faculty were engaged, in violation of the
departmental instructions dated 29.11.2005 and time to time guidelines issued by the
Department regarding the engagement of the guest faculty. To ascertain the correctness
of the facts all the District Education Officers were directed vide letter dated
27.10.2010 to inquire into the matter and send the report to the Directorate that how
many guest faculty are engaged by the DDO in violation of the departmental instruction
in their respective district. As per report of the District Education Officers, it has been
found that 719 guest faculty in all streams are engaged contrary to the instructions.
It reveals from the report that your initial engagement as Hindi Teacher in GHS,
Baldwala by the concerned DDO was also in violation of the departmental instructions
because you do not have requisite qualification in your credit at the time of your
appointment as Hindi Teacher. The qualification of Hindi Teacher as per Haryana
School Education Rules, 1998 is prescribed as under:-
Matric from Haryana School Education Board or an equivalent qualification
recognized by Haryana School Education Board.
Parbhakar/BA (Honours in Hindi) from a recognized university.
LTC/OT in Hindi conducted by the Haryana Education Department or an
equivalent qualification recognized by . the Haryana Education Department
or BA Honours in Hindi with B.T./B.Ed with Hindi as Teaching subject
from a recognized university.
However, in case of candidate of above qualification are not available then
B.A. with Hindi as an elective subject with B.T./B.Ed with Hindi as
teaching subject from a recognized university shall be considered.
5. Knowledge of Hindi upto Matric Standard.
Whereas you have passed Parbhakar and B.A. with Compulsory Hindi.
Consequently, a show cause notice was issued to you vide memo no. 2017 dated
06.07.11 by H.M. that why your service may not be dispensed with being engaged as
guest faculty contrary to the departmental instructions. Your reply to the show cause
notice dated 22.07.11 is duly considered by the Director Secondary Education,
Haryana. In compliance of the Hon'ble Court direction passed in Civil Writ Petition
No. 4587 of 2011 dated 05.08.2011, an opportunity of personal hearing is also given to
you on 30.07.12 to put forward your defense in support of your claim before the
departmental committees headed by Deputy Director School respectively. A committee
submits its report to the undersigned and observed that your appointment as Hindi
Teacher guest faculty is against the Govt. Instructions.
After going through the reply filed by you and report of the committee, it has
been found that your initial engagement was not in accordance with the departmental
instructions because you have not possessed requisite qualification in your credit at the
time of your initial engagement as guest faculty. Consequently, your service is hereby
terminated w.e.f.
I order accordingly.
Haryana Panchkula
Smt. Vaneeta Devi daughter of Sh. Ram Chander punia
resident of House No. 206, GH-18, Sector 20, Panchkula.
Endst. No. Even
Dated, Panchkula
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action.
District Education Officer/District Elementary Education Officer Panchkula.
Principal/Head Master Baldwala, Panchkula.
Dept ector
0/o Director Elementary Education,
Haryana Panchkula
Whereas Smt. Mukesh Rani Daughter of Sh. Balwan Singh resident of House
No. 471, Sector 7, Karnal was engaged as S.S. Mistress in GSSS, Toda, Panchkula by
the then DDO Sheela Vinodia on 09.07.2007. Subsequently, it has been found that
some of the guest faculty were engaged, in violation of the departmental instructions
dated 29.11.2005 and time to time guidelines issued by the Department regarding the
engagement of the guest faculty. To ascertain the correctness of the facts all the District
Education Officers were directed vide letter dated 27.10.2010 to inquire into the matter
and send the report to the Directorate that how many guest faculty are engaged by the
DDO in violation of the departmental instruction in their respective district. As per
report of the District Education Officers, it has been found that 719 guest faculty in all
streams are engaged contrary to the instructions.
It reveals from the report that your initial engagement as S.S. Mistress in GSSS,
Toda by the concerned DDO was also in violation of the departmental instructions
because you do not have requisite qualification in your credit at the time of your
appointment as S.S. Mistress. The qualification of S.S. Mistress as per Haryana School
Education Rules, 1998 is prescribed as under:-
BA with B.T/B.Ed with B.T/B.Ed from a recognised university or
BA Education (4 Years course ) from recognized university, in addition to
English in BA or BA Education as combination of at least 2 subjects out of
the following:- 1. History, 2. Political Science, 3. Economics, 4. Geography,
5. Sociology 6. Public Administration.
3. Knowledge of hindi upto Matric Standard.
Whereas you have passed B.A. with English, Hindi, Political Science and
Sanskrit. Consequently, a show cause notice was issued to you vide memo no. 118-121
dated 06.07.11 by Principal that why your service may not be dispensed with being
engaged as guest faculty contrary to the departmental instructions. Your reply to the
show cause notice dated 20.07.11 is duly considered by the Director Secondary
Education, Haryana. In compliance of the Hon'ble Court direction passed in Civil Writ
Petition No. 4587 of 2011 dated 05.08.2011, an opportunity of personal hearing is also
given to you on 30.07.12 to put forward your defense in support of your claim before
the departmental committees headed by Deputy Director School respectively. A
committee submits its report to the undersigned and observed that your appointment as
S.S. Mistress guest faculty is against the Govenunent Instructions.
After going through the reply filed by you and report of the committee, it has
been found that your initial engagement was not in accordance with the departmental
instructions because you have not possessed requisite qualification in your credit at the
time of your initial engagement as guest faculty. Consequently, your service is hereby
terminated w.e.f.
I order accordingly.
Director ary Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Smt. Mukesh Rani Daughter of Sh. Balwan Singh
resident of House No. 471, Sector 7, Ramat.
Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action.
District Education Officer/District Elementary Education Officer Panchkula.
Principal/Head Master Toda, Panchkula.
Depu rector
0/o Director Elementary Education,
Haryana Panchkula
Whereas Smt. Seema Rani Daughter of Sh. Amrit Lal resident of House No.
518, near post office Raipur rani, Panchkula was engaged as S.S. Mistress in GMS
Kakrali, Panchkula by the then DDO BEO, Amar Kaur on 13.04.07. Subsequently, it
has been found that some of the guest faculty were engaged, in violation of the
departmental instructions dated 29.11.2005 and time to time guidelines issued by the
Department regarding the engagement of the guest faculty. To ascertain the correctness
of the facts all the District Education Officers were directed vide letter dated
27.10.2010 to inquire into the matter and send the report to the Directorate that how
many guest faculty are engaged by the DDO in violation of the departmental instruction
in their respective district. As per report of the District Education Officers, it has been
found that 719 guest faculty in all streams are engaged contrary to the instructions.
It reveals from the report that your initial engagement as SS Mistress in GMS
Kalcrali by the concerned DDO was also in violation of the departmental instructions
because you do not have requisite qualification in your credit at the time of your
appointment as SS Mistress. The qualification of SS Mistress as per Haryana School
Education Rules, 1998 is prescribed as under The qualification of SS MIstilosas per
Haryana School Education Rules, 1998 is prescribed as under:-
BA with B.T/B.Ed with B.T/B.Ed from a recognised university or
BA Education (4 Years course ) from recognized university, in addition to
English in BA or BA Education as combination of at least 2 subjects out of
the following:- 1. History, 2. Political Science, 3. Economics, 4. Geography,
5. Sociology 6. Public Administration.
3. Knowledge of hindi upto Matric Standard.
Whereas you have passed B.A. with English, Hindi, History and Sanskrit.
Consequently, a show cause notice was issued to you dated nil that why your service
may not be dispensed with being engaged as guest faculty contrary to the departmental
instructions. Your reply to the show cause notice dated 10.08.12 is duly considered by
the Director Secondary Education, Haryana. In compliance of the Hon'ble Court
direction passed in Civil Writ Petition No. 4587 of 2011 dated 05.08.2011, an
opportunity of personal hearing is also given to you on 01.08.12 to put forward your
defense in support of your claim before the departmental committees headed by Deputy
Director School respectively. A committee submits its report to the undersigned and
observed that your appointment as SS Mistress guest faculty is against the Government
After going through the reply filed by you and report of the committee, it has
been found that your initial engagement was not in accordance with the departmental
instructions because yotiliave -not possessed requisite qualification in your credit at the
time of your initial engagement as guest faculty. Consequently, your service is hereby
terminated w.e.f.
I order accordingly.
• N AS
Director u dary Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Smt. Seema Rani Daughter of Sh. Amrit Lal
resident of House No. 518, near post office Raipur rani, Panchkula.
Endst. No. Even
Dated, Panchkula
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action.
District Education Officer/District Elementary Education Officer Panchkula
Principal/Head Master Kabuli, Panchkulaf ft-iwback.
Deputy Dukctor
O/o Director Elementary Education
Haryana, Panchkula
ORDER NO. 414-2012 CO (4)
Whereas Sint. Puneet daughter of Sh. Mangat Ram resident of VPO Barwala,
Panchkula was engaged as Science Mistress in GMS Tibbi, Panchkula by the then
DDO BEQ, Barwala, Sh. Harvinder Singh on 04.042007. Subsequently, it has been
found that some of the guest faculty were engaged, in violation of the departmental
instructions dated 29.11.2005 and time to time ,guidelines issued by the Department
regarding the engagement of the guest faculty. To ascertain the correctness of the facts
all the District Education Officers were directed vide letter dated 27.10.2010 to inquire
into the matter and send the report to the Directorate that howmany guest faculty are
engaged by the I)D0 in violation of the departmental instruction in their respective
district. As per report .of the District Education Officers, it has been found that 719
guest faculty in all streams are engaged contrary to the instructions.
It reveals from the report that your initial engagement as Science Mistress in
GMS Tibbi, Panchkula by the concerned DDO was- also in violation of the
departmental instructions because you do not have requisite qualification in your credit
at the time of your appointment as Science Mistress. The qualification of Science
Mistress as per. Haryana School Educatioaltules, 1998 is prescribed as under:-
B.Sc. with B.Ed. from a recognized university with any of the two subjects
in B.Sc. i) Physics, ii) Chemistry, iii) Botany, iv) Zoology or
B.Sc. Education (4Years courselfrorn a recognized university with any of
the two subjects out of the following•- i) Physics, ii) Chemistry, iii) Botany,
3. Knowledge of Hindi upto IvIatric Standard.
Whereas- you have passed B.Sc.__ with Physics, Maths and Geology.
Consequently, a show cause notice was issued to you vide memo No 6 by BEO
Barwala dated 04.07.11 that why your service may not be dispensed with being
engaged as guest faculty contrary to the -departmental instructions. Your reply to the
show cause notice dated nil is duly considered by the Director Secondary Education,
Haryana. In compliance of the Hon'ble Court direction passed in Civil Writ Petition
No. 4587 of 2011 dated 05.08.2011, an opportunity of personal hearing is also given to
you on 01.08.12 to put forward your defense in support of your claim before the
departmental committees headed by Deputy Director School respectively. A committee
submits its report to the undersigned and observed that your appointment as Science
Mistress guest faculty is against the Govt. Instructions..
After going through the reply filed by you and report of the committee, it has
been found that your initial engagement was not in accordance with the departmental
instructions because you have not possessed requisite qualification in your credit at the
time of your initial engagement as guest faculty. Consequently, your service is hereby
terminated w.e.f.
I order accordingly.
Directo dary Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Smt. Puneet daughter of Sh. Mangat Ram
resident of VPO Barwala, Panchkula
Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action.
District Education Officer/District Elementary Education Officer Panchkula
Principal/Head Master Tibbi, Panchkula.
Deputy D e tor
0/o Director Elementary Education
Haryana, Panchkula
Whereas Smt. Renu Daughter of Sh. Chand Ram resident of # 270, Sec-
25,Panchkula was engaged as Hindi Teacher in GSSS Kot by the then DDO Principal
on 17.05.2007. Subsequently, it has been found that some of the guest faculty were
engaged, in violation of the departmental instructions dated 29.11.2005 and time to
time guidelines issued by the Department regarding the engagement of the guest
faculty. To ascertain the correctness of the facts all the District Education Officers were
directed vide letter dated 27.10.2010 to inquire into the matter and send the report to the
Directorate that how many guest yfaculty are engaged by the DDO in violation of the
departmental instruction in their respective district. As per report of the District
Education Officers, it has been found that 719 guest faculty in all streams are engaged
contrary to the instructions.
It reveals from the report that your initial engagement as Hindi Teacher in GSSS
Kot by the concerned DDO was also in violation of the departmental instructions
because you do not have requisite qualification in your credit at the time of your
appointment as Hindi Teacher. The qualification of Hindi Teacher as per Haryana
School Education Rules, 1998 is prescribed as under:-
1 Matric from Haryana School Education Board or an equivalent qualification
recognized by Haryana School Education Board.
2 Parbhakar/BA (Honours in Hindi) from a recognized university.
3 LTC/OT in Hindi conducted by the Haryana Education Department or an
equivalent qualification recognized by the Haryana Education Department
or BA Honours in Hindi with B.T.M.Ed with Hindi as Teaching subject
from a recognized university. However, in case of candidate of above
qualification are not available then:B.A. with Hindi as an elective subject
with B.T./B.Ed with Hindi as teaching subject from a recognized university
shall be considered.
4 Knowledge of Hindi upto Matric Standard.
I order accordingly.
Di for condary Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Whereas you have passed B.A. with Compulsory Hindi. Consequently, a show
cause notice was issued to you vide no. 1352/2011 dated 04.07.11 that why your
service may not be dispensed with being engaged as guest faculty contrary to the
departmental instructions. Your reply to the show cause notice dated 19.07.11 is duly
considered by the Director Secondary Education, Haryana. In compliance of the
Hon'ble Court direction passed in Civil Writ Petition No. 4587 of 2011 dated
05.08.2011, an opportunity of personal hearing is also given to you on 01.08.12 to put
forward your defense in support of your claim before the departmental committees
headed by Deputy Director School respectively. A committee submits its report to the
undersigned and observed that your appointment as Hindi Teacher guest faculty is
against the Government Instructions.
After going through the reply filed by you and report of the committee, it has
been found that your initial engagement was not in accordance with the departmental
instructions because you have not possessed requisite qualification in your credit at the
time of your initial engagement as guest faculty. Consequently, your service is hereby
terminated w.e.f.
Smt. Renu Daughter of Sh. Chand Ram resident of # 270, Sec-25,Panchkula.
Endst. No. Even
Dated, Panchkula
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action.
District Education Officer/District Elementary Education Officer Panchkula.
Principal/Head Master GSSS, Kot.
Deputy Director
Wo Director Elementary Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Whereas Smt. Daya Gupta Daughter of Sh. Ghan Sham Dass Gupta resident of
VPO Ramgarh, Panchkula was engaged as Hindi Teacher in GHS, Parwala by the then
DDO Gurjeet Singh on 21.07.2006. Subsequently, it has been found that some of the
guest faculty were engaged, in violation of the departmental instructions dated
29.11.2005 and time to time guidelines issued by the Department regarding the
engagement of the guest faculty. To ascertain the correctness of the facts all the District
Education Officers were directed vide letter dated 27.10.2010 to inquire into the matter
and send the report to the Directorate that how many guest faculty are engaged by the
DDO in violation of the departmental instruction in their respective district. As per
report of the District Education Officers, it has been found that 719 guest faculty in all
streams are engaged contrary to the instructions.
It reveals from the report that your initial engagement as Hindi Teacher in GHS
Parwala by the concerned DDO was also in violation of the departmental instructions
because you do not have requisite qualification in your credit at the time of your
appointment as Hindi Teacher. The qualification of Hindi Teacher as per Haryana
School Education Rules, 1998 is prescribed as under:-
Matric from Haryana School Education Board or an equivalent qualification
recognized by Haryana School Education Board.
Parbhakar/BA (Honours in Hindi) from a recognized university.
LTC/OT in Hindi conducted by the Haryana Education Department or an
equivalent qualification recognized by the Haryana Education Department
or BA Honours in Hindi with B.T./B.Ed with Hindi as Teaching subject
from a recognized university. However, in case of candidate of above
qualification are not available then B.A. with Hindi as an elective subject
with B.T.M.Ed with Hindi as teaching subject from a recognized university
shall be considered.
Knowledge of Hindi upto Matric Standard.
Direc ondary Education,
Whereas you have passed B.A. with Compulsory Hindi. Consequently, a show
cause notice was issued to you vide no. E-IV/11/8333-51 dated 04.07.11 that why your
service may not be dispensed with being engaged as guest faculty contrary to the
departmental instructions. Your reply to the show cause notice dated 19.07.11 is duly
considered by the Director Secondary Education, Haryana. In compliance of the
Hon'ble Court direction passed in Civil Writ Petition No. 4587 of 2011 dated
05.08.2011, an opportunity of personal hearing is also given to you on 01.08.12 to put
forward your defense in support of your claim before the departmental committees
headed by Deputy Director School respectively. A committee submits its report to the
undersigned and observed that your appointment as Hindi Teacher guest faculty is
against the Government Instructions.
After going through the reply filed by you and report of the committee, it has
been found that your initial engagement was not in accordance with the departmental
instructions because you have not possessed requisite qualification in your credit at the
time of your initial engagement as guest faculty. Consequently, your service is hereby
terminated w.e.f.
I order accordingly.
Haryana, Panchkula
Smt. Daya Gupta Daughter of Sh Ghan Sham Dass Gupta
resident of VPO Ramgarh, Panchkula
Endst. No. Even
Dated, Panchkula
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action.
District Education Officer/District Elementary Education Officer Panchkula
Principal/Head Master Parwala, Panchkula.
Deputy Dir ctor
0/o Director Elementary Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Whereas Sh. Devender Singh Son of Sh. Raj Singh resident of House No. 262,
Sector 19, Panchkula was engaged as S.S. Master in GHS Parwala by the then DDO
Gurjeet Singh on 11.10.2006. Subsequently, it has been found that some of the guest
faculty were engaged, in violation of the departmental instructions dated 29.11.2005
and time to time guidelines issued by the Department regarding the engagement of the
guest faculty. To ascertain the correctness of the facts all the District Education
Officers were directed vide letter dated 27.10.2010 to inquire into the matter and send
the report to the Directorate that how many guest faculty are engaged by the DDO in
violation of the departmental instruction in their respective district. As per report of the
District Education Officers, it has been found that 719 guest faculty in all streams are
engaged contrary to the instructions.
It reveals from the report that your initial engagement as S.S. Master in GHS at
Parwala by the concerned DDO was also in violation of the departmental instructions
because you do not have requisite qualification in your credit at the time of your
appointment as S.S. Master. The qualification of SS Master as per Haryana School
Education Rules, 1998 is prescribed as under:-
BA with B.T/B.Ed with B.T/B.Ed from a recognised university or
BA Education (4 Years course) from recognized university, in addition to
English in BA or BA Education as, combination of at least 2 subjects out of
the following:- 1. History, 2. Political Science, 3. Economics, 4. Geography,
5. Sociology 6. Public Administration
3. Knowledge of hindi upto Matric Standard.
Whereas you have passed B.A. with English, Hindi, History and Culture of
Punjab and Political Science. Consequently, a show cause notice was issued to you vide
memo No. E-IV/11/8333-51 dated 04.07.11 that why your service may not be
dispensed with being engaged as guest faculty contrary to the departmental instructions.
Your reply to the show cause notice dated 19.07.2011 is duly considered by the
Director Secondary Education, Haryana. In compliance of the Hon'ble Court direction
passed in Civil Writ Petition No. 4587 of 2011 dated 05.08.2011, an opportunity of
personal hearing is also given to you on 01.08.12 to put forward your defense in
support of your claim before the departmental committees headed by Deputy Director
School respectively. A committee submits its report to the undersigned and observed
that your appointment as SS Master guest faculty is against the Govt. Instructions.
After going through the reply filed by you and report of the committee, it has
been found that your initial engagement was not in accordance with the departmental
instructions because you have not possessed requisite qualification in your credit at the
time of your initial engagement as guest faculty. Consequently, your service is hereby
terminated w.e.f.
I order accordingly.
Directo dary Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Devender Singh Son of Sh. Raj Singh
resident of House No. 262, Sector 19, Panchkula
Endst. No. Even
Dated, Panchkula
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action.
District Education Officer/District Elementary Education Officer Panchkula.
Principal/Head Master Parwala
Deputy ctor
O/o Director Elementary Education,
Haryana, Panchkula

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