HARYANA TEACHER ELIGIBILITY TEST (HTET) 2017 - HTET November 2017 pattern and syllabus
- News- एक्सपीरियंस आधार पर लगे टीचर्स को 2018 तक पूरा करना है HTET
- HTET नवम्बर 2017 में करवाए जाने का कारण यहाँ देखें
It is intimated that some candidates/teacher associations have represented time and again that the scheme, structure and course content of the HTET examination needs to be revised/amended as the aptitude of their relevant subject has not been factored into the present scheme of HTET Examination. Further, some more suggestions have been received regarding the course content of HTET. Keeping in view the suggestions received in this regard, the State Government has revised the scheme, structure and course content of the HTET examination for Level-I i.e. Scheme/Structure for Primary Teacher (PRT) and Level-III i.e. Scheme/ Structure for Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) and the same is annexed as Annexure-A. However, the changes regarding HTET Examination for Level-II i.e. Scheme/ Structure for Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) will be intimated in due course.
As per the undertaking was given by the Government to the Hon'ble High Court, the HTET-2016 Examination is to be conducted in the month of November 2017. You are, therefore, directed to fix the date for the HTET Examination, do the needful in the matter at the earliest and intimate the Directorate accordingly. Any communication/ intimation in this regard may be made at dseco123@gmail.com and dseadditional@Ogmail.com also.

HTET 2017 syllabus and exam pattern
Revised scheme, structure and course content of the HTET examination for Level-I i.e. Scheme/Structure for Primary Teacher (PRT) and Level-III i.e. Scheme/ Structure for Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) are as under:-Level-I Scheme/Structure for Primary Teacher (PRT)
No. of MCQs - 150; Duration of examination: Two-and-a-half hours.
(i) Child Development and Pedagogy 30 MCQs 30 Marks
(ii) Languages (Hindi 15 MCQs 86 English 15 MCQs) 30 MCQs 30 Marks
(iii) General Studies 30 MCQs 30 Marks (Quantitative Aptitude 10 MCQs, Reasoning Ability 10 MCQs and Haryana G.K. and Awareness 10 MCQs)
(iv) Mathematics 30 MCQs 30 Marks
(v) Environmental Studies 30 MCQs 30 Marks
Total 150 Marks
Level-III Scheme/Structure for Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)
No. of MCQs - 150; Duration of examination: Two-and-a-half hours.
(i) Child Development and Pedagogy 30 MCQs 30 Marks
(ii) Languages (Hindi 15 MCQs &, English 15 MCQs) 30 MCQs 30 Marks
(iii) General Studies 30 MCQs 30 Marks (Quantitative Aptitude 10 MCQs, Reasoning Ability 10 MCQs and Haryana G.K. and Awareness 10 MCQs)
(iv) Subject Specific 60 MCQs 60 Marks
Total 150 Marks
HTET 2015 registration and online application form
The HTET 2015 will be held on 29.08.2015 and 30.08.2015.This year the registration for HTET 2014-2015 starts from 15.06.2015 at 11:30 AM.Now link is available on website www.htet.nic.in for online application for HTET.This year online registration depend on Aadhar Card system.
For candidates of Computer Based Test (CBT) is application fee for one paper is 600 rupees while for Pen Paper Based Test application fee is for each paper is 700/-.It is notable that Board organize 2nd semester exam and 1st semester of class secondary and senior secondary in September 2015.Board wants to held HTET 2015 before these semester exams.
Important dates HTET 2015 -
Online applications starts from-15.05.2015
Last date for online application-30.06.2015
Last date for final submission (After payment)-02.07.2015
Date for correction in particulars-03.07.2015 to 05.07.2015.
Validity Period of HTET certificate HTET 2015-
The Validity Period of HTET five years from the date of issue of qualifying certificate.
Eligibility Certificate will be sent to all the eligible candidates by Speed Post/Registered Post.
Tea, coffee, cold drinks or snacks are not allowed during examination hours.
The Admit Cards will be uploaded on website before some days of examination.
The candidates are required to use Blue or Black Point Pen to completely darken the appropriate circle.
Use of eraser or white/correction fluid on the Answer Sheet will be not allowed.The examination hall will be opened 45 minutes before test.
All disputes pertaining to the conduct of HTET 2014-2015 shall fall within the jurisdiction of
Haryana only.
Haryana only.
Date of Examination HTET 2015
Level-3 (PGT-Lecturer)-Date of Examination-29.08.2015 Saturday.Time of Exam- 11.00 AM to 01.30 PM.
Level -1 (Primary Teacher-For Teaching class 1st to 5th)-Date of Exam-30.08.2015 Sunday.Time of Exam- 11.00 AM to 01.30 PM.
Level-2 (TGT Teacher for Class from 6th to 8th)-Date of Exam-30-08-2015 Sunday.Time of Exam-02.30 PM to 05.00 PM.
HTET Website click here HTET 2015
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