Important notice for surveyors deployed for carrying out census-based learning level assessment of students of 3rd and 5th classes (Recruitment , vacancy , job , news)

Important notice for surveyors deployed for carrying out census-based learning level assessment of students of 3rd and 5th classes 

List of surveyors deployed in schools 

List of surveyors remain in buffer

The following lecturers, masters and C&V teachers (as per lists attached) are
deployed as Surveyors in the Government Primary Schools mentioned against their name
for carrying out census-based Learning Level Assessment for all Government School
students of classes 3rd and 5th from 25th to 28th March, 2014. A buffer of 15% has also been
created at each Block level to meet with any emergent situation.
List(s) attached
These surveyors shall be responsible for carrying out this exercise by following the
guidelines and instructions issued from time to time in this regard.
If any of them is on Board Examination duty (whose orders are issued prior to 5th of
March 2014 by the Board), the said teacher shall be replaced by any other teacher from the
buffer available with Block Elementary Education officers. But subsequently no Surveyor
shall be put on Boards exam duty by the Board of School Education, District Education
Officers, or any other authority. However, in case of any shortcomings in Board Exam duty,
services of JBT teachers may be utilized for Boards exam duty.
All Surveyors (including the buffer) shall undergo two days training as per schedule
prepared by concerned Block Elementary Education Officer. The block wise list of Master
Trainers for the said trainings shall be provided by SCERT shortly. The modules / training
manuals for the trainings should be collected from SCERT by the DEEOs, and subsequently
by the BEEOs, as per the instructions by Director, SCERT.
During the trainings, the BEEOs must ensure that the Surveyors are provided with
the list of names and phone numbers of the HTs of the schools in which they will be
carrying out the survey. The BEEOs should also use the trainings to collect the telephone
number and email IDs of the Surveyors, so that they can subsequently be contacted as and
when required. The surveyors shall follow the instructions given by the Block Elementary
Education Officers or any other concerned authority involved in the exercise from time to
Strict disciplinary action shall be taken against the negligent Lecturers, Masters and
C&V Teachers who are found to be indolent.
On the completion of the Assessment exercise, all Block Elementary Education
Officers shall submit a report in respect of each and every Surveyor about their
performance and absenteeism alongwith reasons thereof to the Director General
Elementary Education.
District Education Officers and Block Education Officers, concerned Principals,
Headmasters shall also cooperate with DEEOs and BEEOs in relieving the Surveyors from
their respective schools.
Any laxity in the matter by anyone shall be taken seriously.
Although care has been taken to deploy the surveyors in the schools within the
block but some of the Blocks do not have sufficient number of Lecturers, Masters and C&V
Teachers for deployment as surveyors in the respective block. In such cases surveyors from
adjoining nearest blocks/districts have been deployed.
Endst. No. 18/34-14-EE(4) Dated: 7.3.2014
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:-
1. Director Secondary Education, Haryana, Panchkula
2. Secretary, Board of School Education, Haryana, Bhiwani.
3. Director SCERT, Haryana, Gurgaon.
4. All District Elementary Education officers. The copies of orders and list may be
provided to the concerned Block Education Officers.
5. All Principal DIETs.
6. All Block Elementary Education Officers. They shall delivery the copies of the orders
to the concerned surveyors through their heads of institutions for compliance.
7. All Officials concerned.
Joint Secre ementary Education
For Secretary a hool Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Endst. No. 18/34-14-EE(4) Dated: 7.3.2014
A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:-
1. All District Education officers. They are requested to coordinate with the DEEOs for
implementation of the orders in toto.
2. All Block Education Officers.
3. All heads of Institutions concerned. Concerned Surveyor may please be released for
the training and duty expeditiously.
Joint Secretary Elementary Education
For Secretary School Education,
Haryana, Panchkula
Endst. No. 18/34-14-EE(4) Dated: 7.3.2014
A copy is forwarded to PS/PSSE for kind information of Principal Secretary School
Education, Haryana.
Joint SSeeccrreettaarryy Elementary Education
For Secretary School Education,
Haryana, Panchkula

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