Earned leave rules Haryana


हरियाणा सरकार के अर्जित अवकाश के नियम
1. FD Hr. No. 11/30/87 -1Fr-II Dated 9.4.87 के अनुसार अध्यापकों को 20 अर्धवेतनिक अवकाश को बदले 10 दिन का अर्जित अवकाश दिया जाता है । इससे पहले के शेष अर्धवेतन अवकाश विधमान नियमों के अनुसार लिए जा सकते है।
Earned Leave to BLO (अर्जित अवकाश बी. अल. ओ.)
2. अध्यापकों को CSR Vol-1, Part I के नियम 8.117 जिस वर्ष उच्चाधिकारियों के आदेश अनुसार उन्हें Vacation का कोई भाग लेने से रोका जाता है तो उन्हें निम्नलिखित प्रकार से अर्जित अवकाश देय होगा ।
जितने दिन Vacation नहीं ली /60 निकाल कर
15 से गुणा करेंगे यदि सेवा 10 वर्ष से कम है ।
20 से गुणा करेंगे यदि सेवा 10 वर्ष से अधिक तथा 20 वर्ष से कम है ।
30 से गुणा करेंगे यदि सेवा 20 वर्ष से अधिक है ।
परन्तु CSR Rule 8.59 Annexure-I (Part-I Vol-II) Para(3) के अनुसार यदि कर्मचारी को 15 दिन से अधिक 
Vacation Avail करने से रोका जाता है तो यह माना जाएगा कि उसने पूरी Vacation ही ड्यूटी की है । CSR के नियम 8.148 के अनुसार अन्य कर्मचारियों को अरित अवकर्ष इस प्रकार मिलते है।
• प्रथम 10 वर्ष की सेवा पर कुल सेवा काल का 1/24.
• अगले 10 वर्ष की सेवा पर कुल सेवा काल का 1/18.
• 20 वर्ष से अधिक की सेवाकाल दे दौरान कुल सेवाकाल का 1/12.
नोट : अर्जित अवकाश के बदले सेवानिवृति के समय 300 दिन का वेतन दिए जाने का प्रावधान है परंतु यदि वह समय पूर्व सेवा निवृति लेता है तो उसे आधे अर्जित अवकाशों के समान दिनों (अधिकतम 150 दिन ) का वेतन मिलेगा ।

earned leave proforma

Other types of leave rules in Haryana
Military service benifit earned leave

A Government employee retained in service after the date of compulsory retirement shall earn earned leave, at the rate of 1/12th of duty performed after that date and shall be allowed to add thereto any amount of leave which could have been granted to him under clause (a) had he retired on that date. The total period of leave which he may take on each occasion shall not exceed 180 days earned leave. When his duties finally cease, the Government employee may be granted leave preparatory to retirement up to a maximum of 180 days or earned leave, as the case may be, as follows:-
(i) The balance after deducting the amount of leave, if any, taken during the period of extension, from the amount of leave which could have been granted to him under clause (a) had he retired on the date of compulsory retirement, plus.
(ii) The amount of leave earned under this clause which is due to the Government employee and which he has, in sufficient time during the period of extension─
(1) formally applied for a preparatory to final cessation of his duties and has been refused; or
(2) ascertained in writing from the sanctioning authority that such leave would not be granted if applied for in either case, the ground of refusal being the requirements of public service.
The leave taken during the period of extension should be debited first against the credit of leave earned during that period, until it is exhausted; and then against any credit of leave refused under clause (a) and carried forward under clause (b).
Explanation 1.─ For the purposes of this rule an officer may be deemed to have been denied leave only if, in sufficient time before the date of which he must compulsorily retire or the date on which his duties finally cease, he has either formally applied for leave as leave preparatory to retirement and has been refused it on the ground of exigencies of public service or has ascertained in writing from the sanctioning authority that such leave if applied for would not be granted on the aforesaid ground.
Explanation 2.─ Where a spell of extension of service is followed by a further period of extension, the entire period commencing from the date of compulsory retirement and ending on the date of final cessation of duties shall be treated as constituting the period of extension for the purpose of clause (b) of this rule and accordingly only the leave applied for during the last spell of extension as preparatory to final cessation of duties, and formally refused in the interests of public service should be treated as refused leave under clause (b) (ii) of this rule.

Recognized holidays intervening between leave and vacation or vice versa should be treated as part of the vacation and such holidays should be taken into account for the purpose of calculating the maximum amount of earned leave admissible to a Government employee at any one time.

(i) Earned Leave
8.116 (i) The earned leave admissible to a Government employee in permanent employ is─
(a) 1/24th of the period spent on duty, during the first 10 years of his service;
(b) 1/18th of the period spent on duty during the next 10 years of his service; and
(c) 1/12th of the period spent on duty, thereafter.
Note.─ For the purpose of assessing “length of service” under this sub-rule break in service caused as a result of retrenchment shall not entail forfeiture of previous service. Further in the case of woman Government employees, break in service due to resignation as a result of family circumstances of the Government employee concerned shall also be condoned by the re-appointing authority, provided the duration of break does not exceed 10 years.
(ii) Accumulation of earned leave shall be permissible to any extent but the maximum earned leave that may be granted at a time to a Government employee shall be (a) 120 days if spent in India (b) 240 days if the entire leave so granted or any portion thereof is spent outside India, Burma, Ceylon, Daman, Dieu, Nepal and Pakistan; provided that where earned leave exceeding 120 days is granted under this sub-rule the period of such leave spent in India shall not in the aggregate exceed 120 days.
Provided further that, except as provided in the Study Leave Rules contained in Appendix 20 to the Punjab Civil Service Rules, Volume I, Part II; if a Government Employee goes on a course of study or research or work which in the Government’s view increases his competence, knowledge of efficiency or adds to the technical knowledge, he may be granted earned leave to the extent it is due to him and not limited to 120 or 240 days.
Note 1.─ The consent of Finance Department is not presumed to the grant of such study leave.
Note 2.─ The balance of additional leave earned during the last war in terms of paragraphs 1 to 8 of the Punjab Government letter no. 4552-FR-45/dated the 5th December, 1945, will be allowed to be carried forward subject to the following maximum limits and added to the earned leave accumulated under this rule:-
(i) in the case of an officer of non-Asiatic domicile in permanent employee recruited in India who has been in continuous service from a date prior to 1st February, 1949, and who is entitled to passage concessions ..30 days.
(ii) in the case of any other officer (whether permanent or temporary) in class I, II or III Service 36 days.
(iii) in the case of an Officer, permanent Class IV.: 10 days
The total earned leave thus accumulated can be taken at any one time.
(iii) Leave preparatory to retirement (hereinafter called the L.P.R.) may be granted upto one hundred and eighty days on full pay, provided the leave on full pay is due and admissible . If the leave on full pay to this extent is not due, the balance of L.P.R. falling short of one hundred and eighty days may be granted on half pay, if due, subject to the condition that the total leave thus granted does not exceed one hundred and eighty days. In case no leave on full pay is due, the L.P.R. may be granted upto one hundred and eighty days on half pay, provided the leave on half is due and admissible”.

The earned leave admissible to such Government employee in respect of any year in which he is prevented from availing himself of the full vacation is such proportion of the following periods as the number of days of vacation not taken bear to the full vacation:-
(i) to a Government employee with 10 years’ service or less : 15 days
(ii) to a Government employee with more than ten years service but not exceeding 20 years service : 20 days
(iii) to a Government employee with over 20 years service: 30 days
If in any year he does not avail himself of the vacation, earned leave will be admissible in respect of that year in accordance with the provisions of Rule 8.116.


  1. एक कर्मचारी हरयाणा सरकार के अधीन अलग अलग विभाग से कुल कितने दिन की Earned Leave का बेनिफिट ले सकता है।एक विभाग से रिजाइन के बाद earned लीव का बेनिफिट अदायगी लेने के बाद अगले विभाग से पूरे 300 एरनेड लीव मिलेगी अथवा पहले डिपार्टमेंट की deduct होगी

  2. छुट्टी का इंचार्ज बनने पर कितने दिन की अर्जित अवकाश मिलते हैं।नियम बताओ।

  3. एक महीने की earned लीव लेने के बाद के क्या उक्त कर्मचारी का पद रिक्त माना जायेगा I उसकी जोइनिंग क्या नये स्थान पर होगी ?

  4. छुट्टी का इंचार्ज बनने पर कितने दिन की अर्जित अवकाश मिलते हैं।नियम बताओ।

  5. Headmaster, Principal, BEO, DEO PGT की एक साथ कितने दिन की Earned leave Sanction कर सकते हैं

  6. अगर कोई कर्मचारी एक वर्ष में जितने दिन की अर्नड लीव लेता हैं उसकी सर्विस में उतने दिन का सर्विस ब्रेक गिना जाएगा या फिर उसकी सर्विस पूरी गिनी जाएगी । अगर सर्विस बिना ब्रेक के पूरी काउंट की जाती है तो उसके रिगार्डिंग कोई लेटर हो तो कृपया उपलब्ध करवाए।


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