934 JBT promoted to TGT English post.
No. 15/9-2018-HRM-I(2) Dated, Panchkula, the 28.08.2018 In continuation of promotion orders issued vide this office order no. 15/9-2018-HRM-I(2) on 25.07.2018, the following PRT/JBT/C&V Teacher who was promoted on officiating basis as TGT English in HES-III (School Cadre) w.e.f. 17.07.2018 in the pay matrix FPL-7 (44900-142400) plus usual allowances as sanctioned by the Haryana Government from time to time on the terms and conditions mentioned below is hereby temporarily posted as TGT English at the places mentioned against their name.
1. That these promotions are subject to review/cancellation in case of any discrepancy regarding eligibility detected at any stage.
2. That these promotions orders are without prejudice to the right of the seniors, if any, whose promotion cases may be decided at a later stage.
3. That these promotions are subject to the condition that no adverse remarks regarding integrity are found in their ACRs.
4. That seniority in the TGT/ Master cadre will be determined as per instructions/ Rules issued from time to time by the Govt. / Department.
5. That the teachers should fulfil the conditions of educational qualifications/ experience/ subject combination as per the service rules. In case it transpires at any stage that they are ineligible for this promotion, they will be reverted to their original post without any notice.
6. Other terms and conditions of promotion orders will remain same
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2018 JBT to TGT English promotion list upload plz