हरियाणा सरकार द्वारा हटाए गए 3581 सरप्लस गेस्ट टीचर को सोमवार को पंजाब एवं हरियाणा हाईकोर्ट  ने तुरंत कोई राहत न देते हुए मामले की सुनवाई 29 जून के लिए नियमित बेंच को रेफर कर दी। 
सोमवार को प्रभावित गेस्ट टीचर की याचिका पर लगभग दो घंटे पौने सात बजे तक सुनवाई करते जस्टिस एस एस सिद्वू ने टीचरों के वकील की सरकार के आदेश पर रोक लगाने की मांग पर कोई भी तत्काल आदेश देने से इंकार करते हुए मामला  नियमित बेंच पर छोड़ दिया। 

Primary guest par talwaar

अब जेबीटी गेस्ट टीचर्स पर गिरेगी गाज ।

राज्य ब्यूरो, चंडीगढ़ : प्रदेश के सरकारी स्कूलों से 3581 सरप्लस अतिथि अध्यापकों को हटाने के बाद अब सरकार जेबीटी पर गाज गिराने की तैयारी में है। स्कूल शिक्षा विभाग नव चयनित गेस्ट की नियुक्तियों का इंतजार भी नहीं करेगा, रेशनेलाइजेशन में ही जेबीटी गेस्ट को सरप्लस दिखा दिया जाएगा। शिक्षा निदेशालय में जेबीटी अतिथि अध्यापकों की सूची तैयार करने का काम शुरू हो गया है। ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश खत्म होने से पहले ही जेबीटी को भी घर भेज दिया जाएगा। इसके बाद गेस्ट लेक्चरर और मास्टर का नंबर लगेगा।1गेस्ट लेक्चरर को हटाने के लिए सरकार पहले ही बड़े स्तर पर सरकारी शिक्षकों को लेक्चरर प्रोन्नत करने जा रही है। इससे स्कूलों में सेवारत लगभग 2700 गेस्ट लेक्चरर की छुट्टी हो जाएगी। रेशनेलाइजेशन का काम जून अंत तक ही निदेशालय को पूरा करना है। ऐसे में 6700 जेबीटी की नौकरी किसी भी समय जा सकती है। उधर, मेवात में शिक्षा निदेशालय के निर्देश पर जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी ने साइंस विषय के गेस्ट को भी हटाना शुरू कर दिया है। शनिवार को एक गेस्ट की सेवाएं समाप्त करने का पत्र जारी कर दिया गया। 1गेस्ट टीचर्स को भी निदेशालय के इस कदम की भनक लग गई है। जेबीटी और लेक्चरर को हटाने के मद्देनजर गेस्ट ने अगली रणनीति बनानी शुरू कर दी है। जल्द ही कोई बड़ा कदम गेस्ट उठा सकते हैं। चूंकि प्रदेश के सरकारी स्कूलों में अब भी लगभग 12000 अतिथि अध्यापक सेवाएं दे रहे हैं। अगर इन्हें आने वाले एक-दो महीने में निकाल दिया जाता है तो हालात विस्फोटक हो सकते हैं। चूंकि सर्व कर्मचारी संघ और अन्य संगठन इनके साथ हैं। सर्व कर्मचारी संघ पहले ही प्रदेशव्यापी हड़ताल की चेतावनी दे चुका है। 1हरियाणा अतिथि अध्यापक संघ के प्रदेश संयोजक राजेंद्र शास्त्री और प्रवक्ता धर्मबीर कौशिक का कहना है कि सरकार उनके साथ ज्यादती कर रही है। चुनाव घोषणा पत्र में नियमित करने का वादा कर अब गेस्ट को हटाया जा रहा है। शिक्षा मंत्री हर दिन नए बयान दे रहे हैं। इससे गेस्ट में उनके प्रति रोष बढ़ रहा है।

HSSC advt for various posts

Advt. No. 01/ 2015                           Date of publication: 19th June2015

Closing date for submission of online applications      : 31st  July2015

Closing date for deposit of fee                                 : 4th August 2015

Online applications are invited for direct recruitment of under
mentioned categories of posts using the website of HARYANA STAFF
SELECTION COMMISSION i.e.  www.hssc.gov.in. The online application can
be filled up from 10th July, 2015 to             31st July, 2015 till
5.00 p.m., thereafter website link will be disabled. The candidates
are strictly advised to apply online well in advance without waiting
for last date of submission of online         application form. The
printed copy of the online application form with necessary
certificates must be brought at the time of verification /
scrutiny-cum-interview. No offline application form or copy of
downloaded application form will be accepted by the office.
Qualifications/ eligibility conditions, age and other documents will
be determined with regard to last date fixed to apply online
applications also called as closing date i.e. 31st July, 2015 given in
the advertisement. The details of the posts are as under: ‐

Cat. No. 1              912 posts of Staff Nurse (Re-advertised)
(Gen=229, SC=155, BCA=123, BCB=69, SBC=91, EBPG=91,
ESM-Gen=64, ESM-SC=18, ESM-BCA=18, ESM-BCB=27, OSP-Gen=9, OSP-SC=9,
OSP-BCA=5, OSP-BCB=4) Total = 912 PHC(VH=9, HH=9, OH=9)

E.Q.    i) B.Sc (Hons) Nursing or B.Sc (Post Basic) Nursing OR Diploma in
General Nursing with Midwife Training from a recognized
        ii) A division Nurse (with midwife training) registered with Haryana
Nurses Registration Council.
        iii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.
Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 9300-34800+ ` 4200 GP

Cat. No. 2      122 posts of Radiographer (Re-advertised)

(Gen=32, SC=23(3 backlog), BCA=17(2 backlog), BCB=10, SBC=11, EBPG=11,
ESM-Gen=8, ESM-SC=2, ESM-BCA=2, ESM-BCB=3, OSP-Gen=1, OSP-SC=1,
OSP-BCA=1) Total = 122 PHC(OH=2, VH=1, HH=1)

E.Q.    i) Matric with Science (Physics & Chemistry);
        ii) Radiographer’s Diploma from the Medical College, Rohtak or any
other Institution.
        iii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 9300-34800+ `3600 GP

Cat. No. 3      71 posts of Pharmacist (Re-advertised)

(Gen=24, SC=13, BCA=9, BCB=4, SBC=6, EBPG=6, ESM-Gen=5, ESM-SC=1,
ESM-BCB=1, OSP-Gen=1, OSP-BCA=1) Total=71 PHC(OH=1, HH=1, VH=1)

E.Q.                    i) 10+2 with Science (Physics and Chemistry);
ii) Pharmacists course diploma from the Medical College, Rohtak or any
other recognized Institutions recognized by the Haryana Govt. with
training in injections dressing and ward work in a recognized
iii) Registered as a Pharmacist with the Hr. Pharmacy Council under
section 31(a) or 31(c) or 32 (a) of the Pharmacy Act,1948 as
applicable to Haryana State.
iv) Hindi/Sanskrit up-to Matric standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 9300-34800+ `3600 GP

Cat. No. 4      22 posts of Dental Hygienist

(Gen=7, SC=3, BCA=2, BCB=2, SBC=2, EBPG=2, ESM-Gen=2, ESM-SC=1, ESM-BCA=1)
E.Q.    i)  Matric with Science from a recognized Board/University.
        ii) Dental Hygienist Course from a recognized Institute by
            Dental Council of India.
        iii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 9300-34800+ ` 3600 GP

Cat. No. 5      7 posts of Dietician (Re-advertised)

(Gen=1, SC=1, BCB=1, SBC=1, ESM-Gen=1, ESM-SC=1, ESM-BCA=1)

E.Q.    i) M.Sc. Dietitics; or (a) B.Sc Home Science ; and (b) Diploma in
Dietitics from the any recognized University or any other Institution.
        ii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.
        Preferential: Experience of Hospital Diets, cooking Management of
Kitchens, etc.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 9300-34800+ ` 4000 GP

Cat. No. 6      4 posts of Sister Tutor (Re-advertised)

(Gen=2, SC=2)

E.Q.    i) B.Sc (Hons) Nursing or B.Sc (post Basic) Nursing ;
Diploma in Nursing Education & Administration from a recognized
        ii) Five years experience as Nursing Sister; OR
 Ten years experience as Staff Nurse
        iii) A division Nurse with Midwife Training registered with Haryana
Nursing Registration Council;
        iv) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education
Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 9300-34800+ ` 4800 GP

Cat. No. 7      934 posts of MPHW(Male) (Re-advertised)

(Gen=225, SC=165(12 Backlog), BCA=122, BCB=67, SBC=90, EBPG=90,
ESM-Gen=66(3 Backlog), ESM-SC=37(19 Backlog), ESM-BCA=18, ESM-BCB=27,
OSP-Gen=9, OSP-SC=9, OSP-BCA=4, OSP-BCB=5) Total = 934 PHC(VH=9, HH=9,

E.Q.                    i) 10+2 with Biology or Science.
ii) Multipurpose Health Workers Training Course from an Institution
approved by Haryana Government.
iii) Hindi/Sanskrit up-to Matric standard or higher education.
Note: MPHW(Male) who have done MPHW training course with Matric prior
to the notification dated 21.02.2014 shall be eligible.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 2400 GP

Cat. No. 8      180 posts of Laboratory Technician

(Gen=44, SC=30, BCA=24, BCB=14, SBC=18, EBPG=18, ESM-Gen=13, ESM-SC=4,
ESM-BCA=4, ESM-BCB=5, OSP-Gen=2, OSP-SC=2, OSP-BCA=1, OSP-BCB=1) Total
= 180 PHC (VH=1, HH=2, OH=2)

E.Q.    i) 10+2 with Physics and chemistry and one year Laboratory
Technician Diploma from institution recognized by Haryana State.
Matric with Laboratory Technician diploma from institution recognized
by State Technical Education Board;
        ii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 2800 GP

Cat. No. 9      300 posts of MPHW (Female) (Re-advertised)

Gen=75,SC=51,BCA=40,BCB=23,SBC=30,EBPG=30, ESM Gen=21,ESM SC=6,ESM
BCA=6,ESM BCB=9,OSP Gen=3, OSP SC=3,OSP BCA=2,OSP BCB=1, Total=300,
PHC (OH=3,HH=3, VH=3)
E.Q.    i ) 10+2 with Arts.
  Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ,Biology, Biotechnology, Economics,
Political Science, History, Geography, Business Studies, Accountancy,
Home Science, Sociology, Psychology and Philosophy and English Core/
English Elective or Science of Health care Science-Vocation Stream
only. From a recognized Board. Optional Subjects as per rule of the
ii)  Hindi/Sanskrit up-to Matric standard or higher education.
iii) ANM Training Course From an institution approved by the Government.
Note: MPHW(Female)who have done MPHW training course or ANM Training
Course  with Matric prior to the notification dated  21-2-2014 shall
be eligible
Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 2400 GP

Cat. No. 10     112 posts of Operation Theatre Assistant (Re-advertised)

(Gen=29, SC=17, BCA=14, BCB=7, SBC=11, EBPG=11,
ESM-Gen=7, ESM-SC=4 (1 backlog), ESM-BCA=3 (1 backlog), ESM-BCB=5 (1
backlog), OSP-Gen=1, OSP-SC=1, OSP-BCA=1, OSP-BCB=1) Total = 112 PHC
(OH=2, VH=1, HH=1)

E.Q.    i) Matric with Science (Physics & Chemistry); and
        ii) Operation Theatre Assistant course from the Post-Graduate
Institution of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh Or any other
        iii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 2400 GP

Cat. No. 11     88 posts of Storekeeper (Re-advertised)

(Gen=20, SC=15, BCA=12, BCB=7, SBC=9, EBPG=9,               ESM-Gen=7,
ESM-SC=2, ESM-BCA=2, ESM-BCB=3, OSP-Gen=1, OSP-SC=1) Total=88
PHC(OH=2, HH=1, VH=1)

E.Q.    i)  Martic/Senior Secondary or Higher Secondary or
    Equivalent / 10+2 (Vocational)
ii) Hindi/Sanskrit up-to Matric standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 1900 GP

Cat. No. 12     46 posts of Ophthalmic Assistant

(Gen=15, SC=5, BCA=5, BCB=4, SBC=4, EBPG=5, ESM-Gen=2,
ESM-SC=1, ESM-BCA=1, ESM-BCB=1, OSP-Gen=1, OSP-SC=1,
OSP-BCA=1) Total = 46 PHC (OH=1)

E.Q.    i) Pre-Medical or its equivalent with at least 40% marks;
        ii) Ophthalmic Assistant’s diploma from the Medical College Rohtak or
any other Institution;
        iii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 2400 GP

Cat. No. 13     39 posts of Laboratory Attendant (Re-Advertised)

Gen=11, SC=5, BCA=4, BCB=3, SBC=4, EBPG=4, ESM-Gen=3, ESM-SC=1,
ESM-BCA=1, ESM BCB=1, OSP SC=1,OSP BCA=1 Total=39, PHC (OH=1)
E.Q.    i)  Matric with Science(Physics and Chemistry); and
        ii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 1900 GP

Cat. No. 14     26 (backlog) posts of Laboratory Technician (Malaria)

(SC=6, BCA=2, BCB=5, ESM-Gen=5, ESM-BCA=4, ESM-BCB=4)

E.Q.    i) 10+2 with Physics & Chemistry and one year Laboratory
Technician Diploma from an Institution approved by Haryana Government.
        ii) Matric with three year diploma in Laboratory Technician from the
State Technical Board, Haryana.
        iii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 2400 GP

Cat. No. 15     10 posts of Insect Collector (Re-advertised)

(Gen=1, SC=2, SBC=2, EBPG=1, ESM-Gen=1, ESM-BCA=1, ESM-BCB=1, OSP-BCA=1)

E.Q.    i) Matric with Science (Physic & Chemistry)
        ii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education.

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 1800 GP

Cat. No. 16     8 posts of Tuberculosis Health Visitor (Re-advertised)

(Gen=2, SC=1, BCA=1, BCB=1, SBC=1, EBPG=1, ESM-Gen=1)

E.Q.    i) Matric with Science (Physics & Chemistry);
        ii) Qualified Tuberculosis Health Visitor from any Institution
recognized by Govt.; and
        iii) Hindi /Sanskrit upto Matric Standard or higher education

Age:                    17-42
Pay Scale:              ` 5200-20200+ ` 2800 GP

Fee Details :

        General SC/BC/SBC/EBPG candidates of Haryana State only
1.                      Male/Female     Female of Haryana resident only Male    Female
2.              Cat. No. 1 to 6 `150/-  `75/-   `35/-   `18/-
3.              Cat. No. 7 to 16        `100/-  `50/-   `25/-   `13/-
4.              Physically Handicapped / Ex-Serviceman of Haryana       No Charges

The fee should be deposited through Net banking or e-Challan in any
branch of State Bank of India, State Bank of Patiala, Punjab National
Bank and IDBI Bank after 48 hours of registration of online
application form. Candidates are advised to choose their mode of
payment i.e. Net banking or e-Challan while applying online.


Note 1.         The posts indicated below were advertised earlier by the
Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Panchkula: -

Sr.No   Name of the Post        New Cat No.     Old Advt. No.   Old Cat. No.
1.              Staff Nurse     1       1/2013  5
2.              Radiographer    2       2/2013  17
3.              Pharmacist      3       2/2013  19
4.              Dietician       5       2/2014  33
5.              Sister Tutor    6       1/2013  4
6.              MPHW (Male)     7       2/2011
2/2013  66
7.              MPHW (Female)   9       2/2013  16
8.              Operation Theater Assistant     10      2/2009
2/2013  8
9.              Storekeeper     11      1/2011  9
10.             Laboratory Attendant    13      3/2010  3
11.             Insect Collector        15      1/2013  1
12.             Tuberculosis Health Visitor     16      2/2014  34

Against these posts no recruitment process could be initiated and the
same were cancelled by the Haryana Staff Selection Commission,
Panchkula vide Public Notice dated 1.5.2015. The candidates who had
earlier applied against the above categories & whose details are
available on web site of HSSC i.e. www.hssc.gov.in  will also be
eligible against the   re-advertised posts and such candidates will be
exempted from the payment of application fee. However, such candidates
will have to apply afresh alongwith proof of depositing the
application fee. They are required to upload the fee Challan / credit
certificate issued by Treasury / e-Challan as the case may be,
alongwith the fresh application form and will produce the original
Challan / credit certificate issued by Treasury /e-challan at the time
of interview/test/verification.
Note 2. Where posts are reserved for PHC categories 3% of vacancies
shall be reserved horizontally for persons with disabilities suffering
from (i) Blindness or low vision (ii) hearing impairment and (iii)
Locomotor disability or cerebral palsy and these Posts are included in
total No. of Posts.
Note 3. If the quota reserved for Ex-servicemen or Backward Classes
remains unfilled due to non-availability of suitable Ex-servicemen or
their dependents or non-availability of suitable candidates from
Backward Classes there will be 2% reservation for freedom
fighter/their children/grand children to that extent.
Note 4.         Reservation in Scheduled Caste (SC), Backward Class (A) &
Backward Class (B), SBC, EBPGC, Ex-serviceman (ESM), Outstanding
Sports Persons (OSP) and Physical Handicapped are only for domicile of
Haryana State.
Note 5.         Physically Handicapped Candidates means Physically
Challenged/Persons with Disabilities.
Note 6.         Candidates having Degrees/Diploma/Certificates from
institution/ University which are not recognized by Haryana Government
will not be eligible.
Note 7.         Detailed instructions for filling the online application form
are available on the website of HARYANA STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION i.e
Note 8.         In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding
the online filling of the application form the candidate can call at
helpline Nos. 0172-2566597 on all working days from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m and for any other clarification regarding advertisement.

Procedure/ Instructions for Online Filling Application Form:
Special Instruction:
The prescribed essential qualification does not entitle a candidate to
be called for interview. The commission may short list the candidates
for interview by holding a written examination or on the basis of a
rationale criterion to be adopted by the Commission. The decision of
the Commission in all matters relating to acceptance or rejection of
an application, eligibility/suitability of the candidates, mode of,
and criteria for selection etc. will be final and binding on the
candidates. No inquiry or correspondence will be entertained in this
General Instructions:

Please read the instructions and procedures carefully before you start
filling the Online Application Form.
 The candidate should fill all details while filling the Online
Application Form.
After applying online, Registration No. and Password will be generated.
Take print out of the registration no. and password screen for future
reference of your application status and for Reprinting of your online
filled application form and e-challan form.
 After successful submission of application candidates can take print
out of application form and e-challan.
The hard copy of application form along with all required documents
must be brought at the time of verification/scrutiny-cum-interview.

Relaxation in Age :     i) In the case of Scheduled Caste (SC), Backward
Class (A) & Backward Class (B), EBPG and SBC candidates, the upper age
limit is relaxable as per Haryana Govt. instructions.
        ii) In the case of PHC General Candidates, the upper age limit is
relaxable by 10 years (15 years for SCs/BCs) as per Haryana Government
instructions No. 22/10/2013-1GS-III, dated 15.07.2014.
        iii) For Ex-servicemen Candidates, relaxation up to continuous
Military service added by three years is permissible.
        iv) The upper age limit in respect of widow, legally separated woman,
divorcee, deserted woman and unmarried woman will be upto 47 years as
per Government instructions.

Reservation of posts:-  Reservation will be as per Haryana Government
Reservation for persons with disabilities will be as per Haryana Govt.
instructions contained in letter   No. 22/10/2013-1GS-III, dated
i) Only such Persons would be eligible for reservation in
Services/Posts who suffer from not less the 40% of relevant disability
For Disabled ESM/Dependent of Killed/ Disabled in action reservation
 will be as per Haryana Govt. instructions contained in letter No.
945-GS-II 72/6451, dated the 6th March, 1972.
The reservation for ESM will be utilized in the order given below:-
Disabled ex-servicemen with disability between 20% to 50%.
Up to two dependents of Service personnel killed/disabled beyond 50%
Other ex-servicemen.

Note:-1.        Disabled ex-servicemen will mean ex-servicemen who, while
serving in the Armed Forces of the Union were disabled in operations
against the enemy or in disturbed areas.
Note:-2.        The dependents will include besides wife/widow, dependent
                        The dependents of ESM who fulfill all conditions of qualifications,
age etc. prescribed for posts will be considered on merit for the
posts reserved for ESM to the extent of non-availability of suitable
ESM candidates
                        ESM/DESM candidates of Haryana claiming benefit must have valid
eligibility certificate on last date of submission of online
application form and will have to produce the valid Eligibility
Certificate from the concerned Zila Sainik Board at the time of
interview. Mere dependent certificate will not be entertained.  ESM
candidates should also produce attested photo copy of Identity Card
issued by concerned Zila Sainik Board & Discharge Book at the time of
12/37/79-GSII, DATED 21-11-1980 :-
A person may be working on an adhoc basis against the post advertised
or somewhere else.

A person may be unemployed at the time of making the application but
he may have other source of income viz. from agriculture, trade,
property, Bank Balance etc.
A person who is a member of the joint Hindu family and remains
dependent upon the Karta till there is partition in the family or he
ceases to be a member of the joint Hindu family and is obliged to pass
on all his income to the Karta and he draws money for his subsistence
from the pool of the joint Hindu family with the consent of the Karta.
A candidate who is a member of the joint Hindu family is employed on
adhoc basis but he is otherwise dependent on his father.

Note :- i)      The benefit of reservation will be given only to those
SC/BCA/BCB/ PHC/SBC/EBPG and ESM and outstanding sportsperson
candidates who are domicile of Haryana State. The
SC/BCA/BCB/PHC/SBC/EBPG candidates are required to submit
SC/BCA/BCB/PHC/SBC/EBPG Certificate duly issued by the competent
authority at the time of interview. Likewise the Outstanding Sports
Person shall be required to produce the Sports Gradation Certificate
as per Government instructions duly issued by the competent authority.
DESM shall be required to produce the Valid Eligibility Certificate
duly issued by the respective Zila Sainik Board at the time of
Qualification and other term and conditions of eligibility  will be
determined with regard to the last date fixed for receipt of online

Candidates applying for a post must ensure that they fulfill all the
eligibility conditions on the last date of application.  If on
verification at any time before or after the written examination or
interview or appointment, it is found that they do not fulfill any of
the eligibility condition or it is found that the information
furnished is false or incorrect their candidature will be cancelled.

                A candidate whether he belongs to General or reserved category viz.
SC, BCA, BCB, SBC, EBPG, ESM/DESM, DFF, PHC or OSP can submit only one
online application form for a particular category of post advertised.
The special instructions for online applications as given on website
www.hssc.gov.in must be carefully read to help in understanding and
filling in the application form. No offline form will be accepted. All
the relevant columns of the application form should be filled in.
Printed Copy:
                Printed copy of the application form with original certificates and
photocopy of self attested certificates must be brought by the
candidate at the time of interview/verification alongwith Photo,
Identity Proof i.e. Identity Card/Driving License/ Passport/Voter
Card/Pan Card/Aadhar Card etc.

Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct :-

        Candidates are warned that they should not furnish any particulars
that are false, tampered/fabricated or should not suppress any
material information while filling up the application form.
At the time of written examination/interview, if a candidate is (or
has been) found guilty of :  (i) using unfair means during the
examination or (ii) impersonating or procuring impersonation by any
person or (iii) misbehaving in the examination hall or taking away the
question booklet or any part thereof/answer sheet from the examination
hall or (iv) resorting to any irregular of improper means in
connection with his/her candidature for selection or (v) obtaining
support for his/her candidature by any unfair means, such a candidate
may, in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal
prosecution, be liable :-
(a)  to be disqualified from the examination/interview for which
he/she is a candidate.
(b)  to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period, from any
        examination or recruitment conducted by HSSC
(c)   for termination of service, if he/she already in Govt. Service.

Fake Institutions:-
                Candidates, who have obtained degrees or diplomas or certificates
for various courses from any institution declared fake by the
University Grants Commission or not recognized by Haryana Government
shall not be eligible for being considered for recruitment to the
posts advertised.
Serving Government Employees:-
                Serving Government Employees have to produce no objection
certificate from their Head of department at the time of
Scanned Copy of Essential Qualifications i.e. Matric showing Date of
Birth and mark sheet of Diploma/Degree etc.
Scanned Copy of valid Eligibility Certificate in case of DESM
candidates duly issued by the respective Zila Sainik Board.
Scanned Copy of Sport Gradation Certificate in case of Outstanding
Sports Persons, duly issued by the Competent Authority.
Scanned Copy of BCA/BCB/SC/PHC/SBC/EBPG Certificate issued by
competent authority.
Scanned Copy of Haryana Domicile Certificate in case of
BCA/BCB/SC/PHC/SBC/EBPG/ESM/ DESM/DFF and women issued by competent
Scanned Copy of Aadhar Card (Desirable).

Copy of Challan / credit certificate issued by Treasury / e-Challan as
the case may be, in case of candidates who have applied earlier.
Scanned Photographs duly signed by the Candidate.
Scanned signatures of the Candidate.
Scanned copy of Experience Certificate (if applicable)

All original certificates/documents/testimonials of educational
qualifications and other documents mentioned in the online
applications and one set of self attested copies of all these
Printed Copy of online application form alongwith latest stamp size
photograph duly attested by a gazetted officer and pasted on the
application   form.

        iii)    Original proof of earlier fee deposited i.e. Treasury Challan /
Credit Certificate issued by concerned treasury etc.
The following are likely causes of rejection:-
More than one application form for a particular category.
Application is incomplete and not online.
Full fee, if not deposited in the manner prescribed.
No qualification of Hindi/Sanskrit as prescribed in advertisement.
Applicant does not possess the requisite academic qualification on cutoff date.
Applicant does not indicate visible identification mark in appropriate
column of application form.
Candidate is underage/overage on the cutoff date/closing date.
Variation in data of online application form and in original documents
when brought for verification/scrutiny-cum-interview.
Lack of essential qualification as prescribed in advertisement.

Place : Panchkula                                                         Secretary,
Dated: 19-06-2015                                       Haryana Staff Selection Commission,

See Also

Education News Haryana topic wise detail.