Shri Gian Chand, Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary SchoolJodhkan (Sirsa) was chargesheeted vide order No. 5/75-2009-HRG-1(1)/1962 dated 20.10.2009 under Rule 7 of Haryana Civil Services(Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1987 on the following charge: -E.: . Ding (Sirsa) against theaccused Janak Raj, Satpal, Gurmeet Rai, Surech Kumar, Satish Kumarand Raj Kumar. He further contests that any such thing has happenedon that day and it might have happened on some earlier day, though nosuch thing ever came to his notice. He stated that there was a lot ofconflict amongst guest and regular teachers. He further stated that thisschool results have been good which reveal good administration andI have gone through the chargesheet, reply thereof, comments ofDEO, submissions put forth at the time of personal hearing, order dated06.04.2010 passed in Criminal Case by Judicial Magistrate 1st Class,Sirsa and connected provisions of Haryana Civil Services (Punishmentand Appeal) Rules, 1987. From the perusal of order dated 06.04.20101,it is clear that the accused persons have been acquitted of the chargeslevelled against them by giving them benefit of doubt on account of thefailure of the prosecution to bring home the guilt of the accused persons.Further, from the perusal of comments submitted by DEO Sirsa on thereply to the chargesheet and submissions at the time of personal hearingby the said incumbent, it is clear that the Principal was very muchpresent in the institution at the time of occurrence of event, may be inany form. Hence, he should have been vigilant enough and be aware ofany untoward incident instead of the same being in the knowledge ofgeneral public. Accordingly, this reflects laxity and indiscipline on hispart particularly in such like delicate issues.
Taking an overall view of the matter, a penalty of stoppage of twograde increments without cumulative effect is inflicted upon Shri GianChand, Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School Jodhkan (Sirsa) asprovided in Rule 7(2)(e) of Haryana Civil Services (Punishment andAppeal) Rules, 1987.
I order accordingly.(Sur Rajan)Regd. Financial Comm ssioner & Principal
"That on 28.05.2009 Sh. Janak Raj and Sh. Gurmeet Ram,Computer Operators, Sh. Ravel Singh, Science Master, Sh. SatpalSingh, S.S. Master, Sh. Raj Kumar, Lecturer in Economics, Sh.Mool Chand, Mathematics Master and Sh. Suresh Kumar, HindiTeacher (Guest Faculty) were found seeing obscene CD oncomputer in the premises of Govt. Senior Secondary SchoolJodhkan (Sirsa). In consequence thereof, FIR was got registeredagainst the said persons by Sh. Mange Ram, Sarpanch of thevillage and further, residents of the village locked the said Schooland blocked the National Highway No. 10.
In this way, it depicts that you have no administrative controlas Principal over the School."
He replied to the said chargesheet on 24.11.2009 and thereafter,comments of District Education Officer (DEO) Sirsa were sought on thesaid reply, wherein he has held the said incumbent responsible for theincident. Further, DEO has made clear that though the said incumbentis not directly involved in the said episode, but at the relevant time hewas present in the School and being Head of the institution, he cannotabsolve himself of the responsibilities and it is incumbent upon him totake preventive measures in advance of avoiding such immoral incidents.While replying to the chargesheet, the said incumbent sought personalhearing and accordingly, he was heard in person on 16.11.2011.
During personal hearing, he stated that presently he is posted asSenior Lecturer, DIET Ding (Sirsa) and was recruited as Lecturer by wayof direct appointment in 1995 and promoted ac Principal in 2006. Thefollowing guest teachers were appointed during his tenure in 2007: -
Sh. Ramesh - Hindi Lecturer
Sh. Jagdish - Economics Lecturer
Sh. Yashpal - History Lecturer'
Sh. Suresh Kumar - Hindi Teacher5. Sh. Chanderjit - Maths Master
He further submitted that regular teachers against Sh. Jagdish andSh. Chanderjit came and joined on promotion, but villagers wanted onlylocal teachers (Guest or otherwise). He presented a copy of the decisionin a Criminal Case No. 517-1 dated 06.04.2010 in FIR No. 68 dated28.05.2009 under Section 292/294/34 IPC, P.
control..no-5/75/2009 hrg id dated 28-11-011
Shri Gian Chand, Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary SchoolJodhkan (Sirsa) was chargesheeted vide order No. 5/75-2009-HRG-1(1)/1962 dated 20.10.2009 under Rule 7 of Haryana Civil Services(Punishment and Appeal) Rules, 1987 on the following charge: -E.: . Ding (Sirsa) against theaccused Janak Raj, Satpal, Gurmeet Rai, Surech Kumar, Satish Kumarand Raj Kumar. He further contests that any such thing has happenedon that day and it might have happened on some earlier day, though nosuch thing ever came to his notice. He stated that there was a lot ofconflict amongst guest and regular teachers. He further stated that thisschool results have been good which reveal good administration andI have gone through the chargesheet, reply thereof, comments ofDEO, submissions put forth at the time of personal hearing, order dated06.04.2010 passed in Criminal Case by Judicial Magistrate 1st Class,Sirsa and connected provisions of Haryana Civil Services (Punishmentand Appeal) Rules, 1987. From the perusal of order dated 06.04.20101,it is clear that the accused persons have been acquitted of the chargeslevelled against them by giving them benefit of doubt on account of thefailure of the prosecution to bring home the guilt of the accused persons.Further, from the perusal of comments submitted by DEO Sirsa on thereply to the chargesheet and submissions at the time of personal hearingby the said incumbent, it is clear that the Principal was very muchpresent in the institution at the time of occurrence of event, may be inany form. Hence, he should have been vigilant enough and be aware ofany untoward incident instead of the same being in the knowledge ofgeneral public. Accordingly, this reflects laxity and indiscipline on hispart particularly in such like delicate issues.
Taking an overall view of the matter, a penalty of stoppage of twograde increments without cumulative effect is inflicted upon Shri GianChand, Principal, Govt. Senior Secondary School Jodhkan (Sirsa) asprovided in Rule 7(2)(e) of Haryana Civil Services (Punishment andAppeal) Rules, 1987.
I order accordingly.(Sur Rajan)Regd. Financial Comm ssioner & Principal
"That on 28.05.2009 Sh. Janak Raj and Sh. Gurmeet Ram,Computer Operators, Sh. Ravel Singh, Science Master, Sh. SatpalSingh, S.S. Master, Sh. Raj Kumar, Lecturer in Economics, Sh.Mool Chand, Mathematics Master and Sh. Suresh Kumar, HindiTeacher (Guest Faculty) were found seeing obscene CD oncomputer in the premises of Govt. Senior Secondary SchoolJodhkan (Sirsa). In consequence thereof, FIR was got registeredagainst the said persons by Sh. Mange Ram, Sarpanch of thevillage and further, residents of the village locked the said Schooland blocked the National Highway No. 10.
In this way, it depicts that you have no administrative controlas Principal over the School."
He replied to the said chargesheet on 24.11.2009 and thereafter,comments of District Education Officer (DEO) Sirsa were sought on thesaid reply, wherein he has held the said incumbent responsible for theincident. Further, DEO has made clear that though the said incumbentis not directly involved in the said episode, but at the relevant time hewas present in the School and being Head of the institution, he cannotabsolve himself of the responsibilities and it is incumbent upon him totake preventive measures in advance of avoiding such immoral incidents.While replying to the chargesheet, the said incumbent sought personalhearing and accordingly, he was heard in person on 16.11.2011.
During personal hearing, he stated that presently he is posted asSenior Lecturer, DIET Ding (Sirsa) and was recruited as Lecturer by wayof direct appointment in 1995 and promoted ac Principal in 2006. Thefollowing guest teachers were appointed during his tenure in 2007: -
Sh. Ramesh - Hindi Lecturer
Sh. Jagdish - Economics Lecturer
Sh. Yashpal - History Lecturer'
Sh. Suresh Kumar - Hindi Teacher5. Sh. Chanderjit - Maths Master
He further submitted that regular teachers against Sh. Jagdish andSh. Chanderjit came and joined on promotion, but villagers wanted onlylocal teachers (Guest or otherwise). He presented a copy of the decisionin a Criminal Case No. 517-1 dated 06.04.2010 in FIR No. 68 dated28.05.2009 under Section 292/294/34 IPC, P.
control..no-5/75/2009 hrg id dated 28-11-011