अब कॉलेज प्रिंसिपल भी बनाएंगे लर्निग लाइसेंस

चंडीगढ़। पंजाब में स्टूडेंट्स को वाहनों के लर्निग लाइसेंस बनवाने के लिए डीटीओ ऑफिस के चक्कर नहीं काटने पड़ेंगे। अब वे डीटीओ के अलावा अपने कॉलेजों के प्रिंसिपलों से भी वाहनों के लर्निग लाइसेंस बनवा सकेंगे।

राज्य सरकार ने राज्य के सभी सरकारी और एफिलिएटेड कॉलेजों के प्रिंसिपलों को लर्निग लाइसेंस बनाने की पावर देते हुए इस बारे में नोटिफिकेशन भी जारी कर दी है। इनमें सरकारी कॉलेज, एफिलिएटेड कॉलेज, मेडिकल कॉलेज, पॉलिटेक्निक और आईटीआई के प्रिंसिपल शामिल हैं। प्रिंसिपल प्रार्थी के सभी संबंधित प्रमाणपत्र देखने के बाद ही लर्निग लाइसेंस जारी करेंगे और इसके लिए प्रार्थी को सरकार द्वारा निर्धानित फीस जमा करानी होगी।

स्कूल शिक्षा विभाग, उच्च शिक्षा विभाग, टेक्निकल एजूकेशन विभाग और ट्रांसपोर्ट विभाग के प्रमुखों की बैठक आज होगी। इसमें यह फैसला लिया जाएगा कि लर्निग लाइसेंस बनाने के लिए कितनी फीस ली जाए। मौजूदा समय में डीटीओ ऑफिस में लर्निग लाइसेंस बनाने के लिए स्कूटर के 30 रुपये, कार-जीप के 60 रुपये लिए जाते हैं, लेकिन अब चारों विभागों के प्रमुख यह फैसला करेंगे कि कॉलेजों के प्रिंसिपलों की ओर से बनाए जाने वाले लर्निग लाइसेंस के लिए फीस कितनी होगी। माना जा रहा है कि स्टूडेंट्स के लर्निग लाइसेंस बनाने के लिए कुछ हिस्सा कॉलेज प्रबंधन को भी जाएगा।

RPSC Senior Teacher Primary Competition Examination 2011

Senior Teacher Primary Competition Examination 2011

RPSC invites Online application for the following posts of Senior Primary Teacher in Secondary Education Department of Rajasthan Government :

Senior Teacher Primary : 4326 posts, Age : 18-35 years as on 01/01/2012, Pay Scale : PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 grade pay Rs.3600/-

Application Fee : Rs.250/- (Rs.150/- for OBC of non-creamy layer, Rs.50/- for SC/ST), plus Rs.40/- extra for online application fee.

How to Apply : Apply Online at RPSc website on or before 11/08/2011 12.00 midnight.



Kurukshetra University feels honoured in announcing that AICTE has approved M. Pharm.
Courses with an intake strength of 76 (Pharmaceutics-18, Pharmaceutical Chemistry-18,
Pharmacology-12, Pharmacogonosy & Phytochemistry-12 and Pharm. Management-16) being
run at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. With the approval of M. Pharm. courses from
AICTE, the candidates seeking admission at this Institute will be eligible for AICTE scholarships
of worth Rs. 8000/-per month.
Dr. Om Prakash, Director & Dean of the Institute and all staff members apprised of the event to
the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar. They praised the Institute for this remarkable achievement.

(Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956)
(“A” Grade, NAAC Accredited)
On the recommendation of the Ashok Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management,
New Delhi, the last date for submission of Application Form for admission to Bachelor of
International Hospitality Business Management (BIHBM) 4-Years course is extended
upto 11.7.2011 and the third counseling of the above course shall be held at the Ashok
Institute of Hospitality and Tourism Management, C-12, Qutab Institutional Area, New
Delhi on 20.7.2011 at 10.00 a.m. All the interested candidates shall report for the third
counseling on the above said date and venue.

(Established by the State Legislature Act XII of 1956)
(“A” Grade, NAAC Accredited)
Last date for submission of Application Form for admission to MTM/MHM courses has
been extended from 30.06.2011 to 08.07.2011. Date of Entrance Test i.e. 10.7.2011 will
remain the same.

पंजाब ने वित्त पोषित निजी स्कूलों के कर्मचारियों के लिए

चंडीगढ़, तीन जुलाई :भाषा: पंजाब सरकार ने 95 फीसदी वित्त पोषित स्कूलों के 3,000 सेवानिवृत शिक्षकों और गैर शिक्षण कर्मचारियों की पेंशन बहाल करने का आज फैसला किया। प्रदेश के शिक्षा मंत्राी सेवा सिंह सेखवान ने कहा कि कांग्रेस शासनकाल के दौरान 2003 में वित्त पोषित निजी स्कूलों के उसी वर्ष और उसके बाद के वषर्ों में सेवानिवृत होने वाले कर्मचारियों के लिए पेंशन रोक दी गई थी।
उन्होंने बताया कि मुख्यमंत्राी प्रकाश सिंह बादल के नेतृत्व वाली शिरोमणि अकाली दल...भाजपा सरकार ने न सिर्फ उनकी पेंशन को बहाल करने का फैसला किया है बल्कि पहले सेवानिवृत हो चुके कर्मचारियों की पेंशन बढ़ाने का भी फैसला किया है। उन्होंने बताया कि बढ़ाई गई पेंशन के बकाये को अदा करने के लिए 40 करोड़ रूपया जारी किया गया है।

भर्ती से बाहर चार लाख बीएड डिग्रीधारी

जयपुर. चार लाख बीएड डिग्रीधारी प्रारंभिक शिक्षा की सेकंड ग्रेड शिक्षक (वरिष्ठ अध्यापक) भर्ती से बाहर हो गए हैं। इनके बाहर होने का कारण है इस भर्ती में मांगा गया पांच साल का अध्यापन का अनुभव। बीएड डिग्रीधारियों ने यह कहते हुए इसका विरोध शुरू कर दिया है कि एक महीने पहले एक जून 2011 को माध्यमिक शिक्षा में वरिष्ठ अध्यापक भर्ती प्रक्रिया प्रारंभ की गई थी।

इसमें अनुभव प्रमाण पत्र जैसी कोई बाध्यता नहीं थी। जब दोनों ही पद वरिष्ठ अध्यापक हैं तो सरकार को योग्यता भी समान करनी चाहिए। प्रारंभिक शिक्षा में वरिष्ठ अध्यापक के लिए मांगे गए पांच साल के अध्यापन कार्य के अनुभव प्रमाण पत्र के कारण पिछले चार सालों में बीएड करने वाले सभी और इससे पहले बीएड करने वाले वे बीएड डिग्रीधारी इस भर्ती से बाहर हो गए हैं, जिन्होंने बीएड करने के बाद स्कूल में पांच साल तक अध्यापन नहीं कराया।

राजस्थान शिक्षक भर्ती संघर्ष समिति के अध्यक्ष संदीप कलवानिया का कहना है कि जब प्रारंभिक व माध्यमिक शिक्षा की सेकंड ग्रेड शिक्षक भर्ती में कई समानताएं है। इन समानताओं को देखते हुए सरकार को अध्यापन कार्य का अनुभव वाली योग्यता भी तुरंत हटा लेनी चाहिए। ताकि कई बीएड डिग्रीधारियों के शिक्षक बनने का सपना साकार हो सके।

11 अगस्त है अंतिम तिथि: एक जुलाई को वरिष्ठ अध्यापक भर्ती (प्रारंभिक शिक्षा) का विज्ञापन जारी हुआ था। इसके लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि 11 अगस्त है। भर्ती 4326 पदों पर हो रही है।

यह रखी है योग्यता

वरिष्ठ अध्यापक (प्रारंभिक शिक्षा): स्नातक या समतुल्य परीक्षा के साथ में राजस्थान सरकार से मान्यता प्राप्त शिक्षा में उपाधि या डिप्लोमा, 5 वर्ष का अध्यापन अनुभव

वरिष्ठ अध्यापक ( मा. शिक्षा): संबंधित विषय में स्नातक या समतुल्य, राजस्थान सरकार से मान्यता प्राप्त शिक्षा में उपाधि या डिप्लोमा।

दोनों में यह है समानता

पद का नाम वरिष्ठ अध्यापक,
वेतनमान समान,
फॉर्म भरने की प्रक्रिया,
दोनों भर्ती परीक्षाओं में दो पेपर,
परीक्षा का सिलेबस समान,
पहला पेपर सामान्य ज्ञान,
दूसरा पेपर विषय का, दोनों भर्तियों में एक विषय का चयन जरूरी।

इन पर है असमंजस: भर्ती में 5 साल का अध्यापन का अनुभव मांगा गया है, लेकिन यह नहीं बताया कि यह प्रमाण पत्र कौन जारी करेगा। परीक्षा के दूसरे पेपर के लिए हिंदी, अंग्रेजी, गणित, विज्ञान, सामाजिक विज्ञान, संस्कृत, उर्दू, गुजराती, पंजाबी व सिंधी विषयों में से एक चुनना है, लेकिन यह स्पष्ट नहीं किया कि स्नातक में लिया गया विषय बदला जा सकता है या नहीं।

सरकार ने माध्यमिक एवं प्रारंभिक शिक्षा के वरिष्ठ अध्यापक भर्ती के लिए अलग-अलग नियम बना रखे हैं। उनके आधार पर योग्यता रखी गई है। नियम सरकार बनाती है, आयोग उनका अनुसरण करता है। नियम बदलने का हक आयोग को नहीं है। - चिंरजीलाल दायमा, उपसचिव, आरपीएससी

छात्र अब 12वीं के बाद लें आईआईएम में दाखिला +राजस्थान में मदरसा शिक्षा सहयोगियों का मानदेय बढा+मप्र के सरकारी स्कूलों में अब भगवत गीता की शिक्षा

इंदौर। अब आईआईएम में दाखिले की चाह रखने वाले विद्यार्थियों को प्रवेश परीक्षा में बैठने के लिए ग्रेजुएट डिग्री लेने तक इंतजार नहीं करना पड़ेगा। नई पहल के तहत इंदौर के भारतीय प्रबंधन संस्थान (आईआईएम-आई) इस शैक्षणिक सत्र से पांच वर्षीय इंटीग्रेटेड पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट प्रोग्राम (पीजीपी) शुरू करने जा रहा है।

इस पाठ्यक्रम के पहले वर्ष में 120 सीट होंगी।

न्यूनतम योग्यता

इस प्रोग्राम में प्रवेश के लिए सेकंडरी या 10वीं में तथा हायर सेकंडरी या 12वीं में कम से कम 60 प्रतिशत अंक होने जरूरी हैं। वहीं, ओबीसी और एससी-एसटी वर्ग के विद्यार्थियों के लिए यह प्रतिशत 55 रखा गया है। अंतिम चयन एक एप्टीट्यूड टेस्ट और साक्षात्कार के आधार पर किया जाएगा।


पहले तीन वर्ष के लिए सालाना 3 लाख रुपए फीस होगी। चौथे और पांचवें वर्ष के लिए यह फीसदी 5 लाख रुपए सालाना होगी। आरक्षित वर्ग के लिए फीस में रियायत नियमों के मुताबिक दी जाएगी। इस आवासीय पाठ्यक्रम में रहने-खाने की फीस अलग होगी।

मध्यप्रदेश सरकार के स्कूलों में इस शैक्षणिक सत्रा से पहली से लेकर दसवीं कक्षा के विद्यार्थियों को भगवत गीता का पाठ पढ़ाया जाएगा।


राजस्थान सरकार ने एक आदेश के तहत मदरसा शिक्षा सहयोगियों का न्यूनतम
मानदेय 2 हजार रूपये से बढाकर साढे तीन हजार किया है। आदेश के अनुसार पूर्व कार्यरत अनुभवी मदरसा शिक्षा सहयोगियों के मानदेय में इस वर्ष से क्रमिक वृद्धि की गई है।


BAYS NO. 67-70, SECTOR-2, PANCHKULA-134151
Reference Haryana Staff Selection Commission’s Advertisement No. 2/2010,
dated 13.9.2010 and corrigendum dated 10.3.2010 which was published in various leading
In the said advertisement one post of Junior Engineer (Civil) for the Haryana
State Cooperative Supply and Marketing Federation Limited (Hafed) Panchkula was advertised
against category No. 41. Now the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) have been increased from
one to 11. Now the revised break-up of posts may be read as under:-
(GEN=4, BCA=1, BCB=2, ESM GEN=2, ESM SC=1 (3
rd time), ESM BCA=1 (rd time)
the respective line.
i) Diploma in Civil Engineering with two years experience in
Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard
Pay Scale:
` 9300-34800+ ` 3600 Grade pay.
18-40 years
The eligible candidates of above post who could not apply earlier may
apply now up to 18.7.2011. However, such candidates who have already
applied against above advertisement earlier need not apply again as their
old application will be considered.
The other terms & conditions will remain the same.
Place: Panchkula
Dated: 1
Haryana Staff Selection Commission,
st July, 2011 Secretary


BAYS NO. 67-70, SECTOR-2, PANCHKULA-134151
Reference Haryana Staff Selection Commission’s Advertisement No. 1/2011, dated
19.03.2011 and corrigendum dated 7.4.2011 which was published in
various leading newspapers.
1. Cat. No. 1 : (Assistant Lineman)-
Lineman for Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited, Panchkula were advertised against category No.
1. Now the posts of Assistant Lineman have been increased from
Bijly Vitran Nigam/ Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam
may be read as under:-
In the said advertisement 1000 posts of Assistant1000 to 4131 in Uttar Haryana. Now the revised break-up of posts
Category Total
GEN 1572
SC 627
BCA 460
BCB 258
ESM GEN 259+95 backlog
ESM SC 74+86 backlog
ESM BCA 84+53 backlog
ESM BCB 111+61 backlog
OSP SC 37+15 backlog
OSP BCA 37+6 backlog
OSP BCB 27+4 backlog
PHC Partially Deaf 110+118 backlog
3693+438 backlog
TOTAL =4131
the trade of Lineman or Electrician (Maintenance and Repair of Electrical and Domestic
Appliances) conducted by Director, Industrial Training & Vocational Education, Haryana or
National Apprenticeship certificate awarded under the Apprenticeship Act 1961 from any
institute recognized by the State Government.
i) Matric with 2 years ITI in Electrician/ Wireman trade or having 2 years Vocational Course under
Hindi/ Sanskrit upto Matric Standard
Pay Scale:
` 5200-20200+ ` 2400 Grade pay.
18-35 years
relaxable to the extent of service rendered by them in these Organizations provided
they apply through proper channel.
In the case of employees of HVPNL, HPGCL, UHBVNL, DHBVNL the age limit is
2. Cat. No. 33 : (Havaldar Instructor)-
The posts of Havaldar Instructor have been increased
revised break-up of the posts will be as
SC=1, ESM BCA=1).
from 9 to 21. Resultantly the categorywise(GEN=10, SC=3, BCA=2, BCB=2, ESM GEN=2, ESMAccordingly the Commission will make the selection as per revised break-up of the.
Cat. No. 53 : Lab Assistant:
The word mentioned in the qualification
‘oil speed’ may be read as ‘oil
The eligible candidates against category No. 1 & 33, who could not apply earlier
may apply now up to 18.7.2011. However, such candidates who have already
applied against category No. 1 & 33 need not apply again as their old
application will be considered
The other terms & conditions will remain the same.
Place: Panchkula
Dated: 1
Haryana Staff Selection Commission,
st July, 2011 Secretary

ADVERTISEMENT No.-15/2007,3/2008, 5/2008, 2/2009, 3/2009, 5/2009 & 1/2010

NAME OF POST- S.I(Audit),Advt.No. 15/2007,Cat. No.35, S.I(Audit),Advt.No.3/2008,Cat.No.09, Inspector(F&S),Advt.No.5/2008,Cat.No.06, Pharmacist,Hindi Translator,Advt.No.2/2009,Cat.No.21 & 22, Field Investigator, Advt. No.3/2009 Cat-06,J.E(Horticulture),J.E(Electrical),Counter Incharge,Advt.No5/2009 Cat.No.5,6 & 9,Development Assistant,Programmer,Sr.Scientific Asstt(Biology),Sr.Scientific Asstt(SOC),Scienctific Asstt(Photo SOC),Scienctific Asstt(SOC),Scienctific Asstt(Physics) Laboratory Asstt(Biology),Dark Room Attendent,Scientific Asstt(Ballistics),Scienctific Asstt(Chemistery) & Laboratory Asstt(Serology) Advt.No.1/2010 Cat.No. 11,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,45 & 46.

BAYS NO. 67-70, SECTOR-2, PANCHKULA-134151
Website: www.hssc.gov.in
On the basis of interviews held in the month of December, 2010, January, February, March,
April, May and June 2011, the Commission has finalized the result for the under mentioned categories of
posts. The candidates with following roll numbers have been selected. The result has been shown roll
number wise and category wise and the marks secured by the last selected candidate in each category have
been shown in bracket.
1. Sub-Inspector (Audit), Registrar, Cooperative Societies, Haryana
Advt. No. 15/2007 , Category No. 35 (39 Posts)
GEN ( 16 Posts):
00013 00024 00025 00050 00059 00067 00074
00076 00077 00078 00086 00087 00094 00096
00120 00215 ( 48.22 )
Waiting :
00047 00085 00102 00103 ( 44.03 )
SC ( 07 Posts):
00242 00243 00252 00253 00259 00279 00285 ( 46.74 )
Waiting :
00220 00234 ( 43.44 )
BCA ( 05 Posts):
00132 00139 00147 00153 00161 ( 47.26 )
Waiting :
00152 00160 ( 43.71 )
BCB ( 03 Posts):
00184 00194 00195 ( 47.43 )
Waiting :
00210 00213 ( 43.60 )
ESM-GEN ( 03 Posts):
00295 00310 00344 ( 42.03 )
Waiting :
00323 00328 ( 38.99 )
ESM-BCB ( 01 Post):
00333 ( 40.63 )
Waiting :
00332 ( 36.17 )
OSP-BCA (01 Post):
00145 ( 46.08 )
OSP-BCB ( 01 Post):
00176 ( 46.28 )
NOTE: ESM-SC=01 and ESM-BCA=01 Posts remained vacant due to non-availability of candidates in
these categories.
2. Sub-Inspector (Audit), Cooperative Societies, Haryana
Advt. No. 3/2008 , Category No. 09 ( 20 Posts )
GEN (07 Posts):
000005 000071 000136 000137 000148 000149 000194
( 48.22 )
Waiting :
000010 000195 ( 46.58 )
SC ( 03 Posts):
000009 000103 000181 ( 47.00 )
Waiting :
000127 000145 ( 45.35 )
BCA ( 03 Posts):
000021 000076 000141 ( 47.13 )
Waiting :
000003 000105 ( 45.05 )
BCB ( 02 Posts):
000035 000159 ( 47.43 )
Waiting :
000017 000131 ( 45.61 )
ESM-GEN ( 01 Post):
000143 ( 44.65 )
Waiting :
000024 000113 ( 40.28 )
ESM-BCA ( 02 Posts):
000043 ( 40.65 )
ESM-BCB (01 Post):
000083 ( 41.98 )
Waiting :
000087 ( 36.34 )
NOTE: ESM-SC=01 & ESM-BCA=01 Posts remained vacant due to non-availability of candidates in these
3. Inspector (Food & Supplies), Food & Supplies Department, Haryana
Advt. No. 5/2008 , Category No. 06 ( 02 Posts )
PHC(ORTHO) ( 02 Posts):
000433 000683 ( 46.32 )
Waiting :
000593 000735 ( 45.66 )
4. Pharmacist, Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd.
Advt. No. 2/2009 , Category No. 21 ( 02 Posts ) (Read with Corrigendum dated 15.05.2009)
GEN (01 Post):
000400 ( 47.95 )
Waiting :
000204 000538 ( 45.11 )
SC ( 01 Post):
000294 ( 46.33 )
Waiting :
000288 000291 ( 43.41 )
5. Hindi Translator, Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd.
Advt. No. 2/2009 , Category No. 22 ( 02 Posts )
SC (01 Post):
00002 ( 47.65 )
NOTE: BCA=01 Post remained vacant due to non-availability of candidates in this category.
6. Field Investigator, Town & Country Planning Department, Haryana
Advt. No. 3/2009 , Category No. 06 ( 12 Posts )
GEN (08 Posts):
000001 000013 000014 000058 000078 000081 000097
000115 ( 50.10 )
Waiting :
000072 000135 ( 47.20 )
SC ( 01 Post):
000139 ( 48.50 )
Waiting :
000004 000062 ( 43.96 )
BCA ( 01 Post):
000034 ( 49.25 )
Waiting :
000110 000133 ( 45.05 )
BCB ( 01 Post):
000116 ( 49.36 )
Waiting :
000079 000113 ( 44.04 )
ESM-GEN ( 01 Post):
000033 ( 46.75 )
Waiting :
000019 000112 ( 42.49 )
7. Junior Engineer (Horticulture), E.I.C. Haryana PWD (B&R) Department
Advt. No. 5/2009 , Category No. 05 ( 05 Posts )
GEN (04 Posts):
00093 00211 00283 00298 ( 52.02 )
Waiting :
00088 00151 ( 50.10 )
BCA ( 01 Post):
00245 ( 51.80 )
Waiting :
00187 00287 ( 48.17 )
8. Junior Engineer (Electrical), Chief Electrical Inspector
Advt. No. 5/2009 , Category No. 06 ( 03 Posts )
GEN (02 Posts):
00022 00090 ( 51.42 )
Waiting :
00197 00209 ( 49.33 )
ESM-GEN ( 01 Post):
00074 ( 50.28 )
Waiting :
00151 00157 ( 47.14 )
9. Counter Incharge, Haryana Tourism Corporation, Chandigarh
Advt. No. 5/2009 , Category No. 09 ( 22 Posts ) (Read with Corrigendum dated 01.09.2010)
GEN (03 Posts):
000204 000245 000257 ( 48.30 )
Waiting :
000334 000423 ( 46.33 )
SC ( 14 Posts):
000010 000082 000143 000145 000194 000209 000233
000241 000327 000370 000460 000469 000471 000473
( 47.18 )
Waiting :
000065 000328 000332 000454 ( 45.53 )
BCA ( 01 Post):
000142 ( 47.29 )
Waiting :
000058 000153 ( 45.21 )
BCB ( 01 Post):
000197 ( 47.98 )
Waiting :
000277 000289 ( 45.32 )
OSP-BCA ( 01 Post):
000219 ( 46.34 )
PHC(ORTHO) ( 01 Post):
000180 ( 46.28 )
Waiting :
000030 ( 44.31 )
NOTE: Result of Roll Nos. 000490, 000491 and 000493 has been withheld in compliance of Hon’ble
Punjab and Haryana High Court orders dated 16.12.2010, 20.12.2010 & 21.12.2010 passed in CWP Nos.
22470 of 2010, 22745 of 2010 and 22828 of 2010 respectively.
NOTE: ESM-GEN=01 Post remained vacant due to non-availability of candidates in this category.
10. Development Assistant, Haryana Sahitya Akademi
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 11 ( 01 Post )
GEN (01 Post):
000149 ( 47.32 )
Waiting :
000073 000092 ( 45.30 )
11. Programmer, Director Renewable Energy Department
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 35 ( 01 Post )
GEN (01 Post):
000178 ( 56.39 )
Waiting :
000197 000252 ( 53.37 )
12. Senior Scientific Assistant (Biology), Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 36 ( 02 Posts )
GEN (02 Posts):
000008 000033 ( 50.27 )
Waiting :
00007 000020 ( 48.89 )
13. Senior Scientific Assistant (SOC), Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 37 ( 02 Posts )
GEN (01 Post):
000018 ( 49.90 )
Waiting :
000035 000043 ( 47.61 )
SC (01 Post):
000010 ( 48.20 )
Waiting :
000016 000051 ( 47.20 )
14. Scientific Assistant Photo (SOC), Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 38 ( 01 Post )
GEN (01 Post):
000078 ( 44.22 )
Waiting :
00006 000123 ( 42.98 )
15. Scientific Assistant (SOC), Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 39 ( 02 Post )
GEN (02 Posts):
000031 000198 ( 50.34 )
Waiting :
000146 000158 ( 49.16 )
16. Scientific Assistant (Physics), Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 40 ( 01 Post )
GEN (01 Post):
000116 ( 50.89 )
Waiting :
000015 000023 ( 48.14 )
17. Laboratory Assistant (Biology), Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 41 ( 01 Post )
GEN (01 Post):
000062 ( 48.69 )
Waiting :
000025 000087 ( 45.29 )
18. Dark Room Attendant Photo Division, Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 42 ( 01 Post )
GEN (01 Post):
000033 ( 47.52 )
Waiting :
000020 000092 ( 45.64 )
19. Scientific Assistant (Ballistics), Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 43 ( 01 Post )
GEN (01 Post):
000006 ( 54.26 )
Waiting :
000034 000103 ( 48.73 )
20. Scientific Assistant (Chemistry), Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 45 ( 01 Post )
GEN (01 Post):
000155 ( 48.39 )
Waiting :
000107 000187 ( 47.20 )
21. Laboratory Assistant (Serology), Director General of Police
Advt. No. 1/2010 , Category No. 46 ( 01 Post )
GEN (01 Post):
000045 ( 45.09 )
Waiting :
000084 000094 ( 43.44 )
The criteria adopted by the Commission for making selection is given below:-
1) Academic Marks. …………………………………………50-Marks
2) Marks obtained in the Viva-Voce out of…………………..25-Marks
Total: 75-Marks
The un-selected candidates in the above mentioned result, who wish to know the marks
secured by them, may apply on plain paper to the undersigned within one month from the date of publication
of this result. Such candidates will have to deposit a fee of Rs. 100/--only in the Haryana Government
Treasury in the Head 0051-HPSC (103)-SSC-Fee and other receipts. A self addressed and duly stamped
envelope should be accompanied with the request. The marks will be intimated to such candidates within one
month thereafter.
While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent errors
cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
Dated, Panchkula Secretary,
30-06-2011 Haryana Staff Selection Commission

गुजवि ने घटाई फीस

गुरु जंभेश्वर विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय ने दाखिला लेने वाले छात्रों को राहत देते हुए विभिन्न कोर्सो की फीस में कमी कर दी है। रजिस्ट्रार प्रो. आरएस जागलान की अध्यक्षता वाली छह सदस्यीय कमेटी की सिफारिश पर यह कदम उठाया गया है। कमेटी में हरियाणा स्कूल आफ बिजनेस के डायरेक्टर प्रो. एससी कुंडू, फिजियोथेरेपी के पूर्व चेयरमैन प्रो. एसके शर्मा, बायो के प्रो. अशोक चौधरी, छात्र कल्याण निदेशक प्रो. कुलदीप बंसल व डिप्टी रजिस्ट्रार बीएस कुंडू शामिल थे। कमेटी की अनुशंसा के बाद
 एमएससी की फीसें 20 हजार से 17 हजार,
एमबीए की 35 हजार से तीस हजार तथा
एमकाम की फीसें 53 हजार से 35 हजार करने का निर्णय किया गया।

पंजाब-बीएड की ऑनलाइन एडमिशन 9 जुलाई से

पंजाब यूनिवर्सिटी, गुरु नानक देव यूनिवर्सिटी एवं लवली प्रोफेशनल यूनिवर्सिटी की ओर से बैचलर्स ऑफ एजुकेशन (बीएड) के लिए इस बार भी ऑनलाइन एडमिशन प्रक्रिया की शुरुआत नौ जुलाई से होगी। बीएड के लिए प्रवेश परीक्षा के बिना ही दाखिले का यह दूसरा वर्ष है। दाखिला मेरिट के आधार पर होगा। बीते साल भी बीएड की ऑनलाइन एडमिशन हुई थी।

दोनों कॉलेजों के लिए अलग प्रक्रिया: यूनिवर्सिटियों की ओर से एफिलिएटेड एडेड एवं सेल्फ फाइनेंस कॉलेजों के लिए अलग-अलग प्रक्रिया रहेगी। यदि विद्यार्थी एडेड कॉलेज में प्रवेश पाना चाहते हैं, तो उन्हें आवेदन अलग करना होगा। जबकि सेल्फ फाइनेंस कॉलेज के लिए अलग। दोनों कॉलेजों के लिए मेरिट भी अलग तैयार की जाएगी।

पांच से मिलेगी जानकारी:

प्रो.नंदिता पुरी को बीएड एडमिशन के लिए कोआर्डिनेटर नियुक्त किया गया है। कमेटी में डॉ.एसएस संघा एवं अजायब सिंह भी शामिल हैं। पांच जुलाई से पीयू की वेबसाइट पर पूरी जानकारी उपलब्ध हो जाएगी।

नौ जुलाई से ऑनलाइन फॉर्म की शुरुआत हो सकती है। बीएड की अध्यापिका मिनी शर्मा बताती हैं कि प्रवेश परीक्षा बंद होने से ग्रामीण क्षेत्र के छात्रों को काफी लाभ पहुंचा है। अब उन्हें भी शहरी छात्रों की भांति बीएड करने का बराबर मौका मिल सकेगा।

आंगनवाड़ी कर्मियों का मानदेय हुआ दोगुना

सरकार ने आज देश के 22 लाख आंगनवाड़ी कर्मियों के मानदेय को दोगुना करने का निर्णय किया है जो ग्रामीण भारत के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में स्वास्थ्य, पोषण और बाल सेवाओं को अमलीजामा पहनाने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती हैं।

प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह की अध्यक्षता में आर्थिक मामलों पर मंत्रिमंडल समिति की बैठक में आंगनवाड़ी कर्मियों को दिए जा रहे मानदेय को 1500 रूपए प्रति माह से बढ़ा कर 3,000 हजार करने को मंजूरी दी गई। कैबिनेट की बैठक
के बाद पेट्रोलियम मंत्री एस जयपाल रेड्डी ने संवाददाताओं से कहा कि अद्र्ध आंगनवाड़ी कर्मियों को समन्वित बाल विकास सेवा (आईसीडीएस) के तहत अब 750 रूपए प्रतिमाह के स्थान पर 500 रूपए प्रतिमाह मानदेय दिया जाएगा।

उन्होंने कहा कि सीसीईए ने योजनाओं को बेहतर ढंग से लागू करने के लिए महिला एवं बाल विकास मंत्रालय की ओर से जरूरी होने पर परिचालन संबंधी बदलाव करने को मंजूरी प्रदान की।

रेड्डी ने कहा कि इस पर अमल के लिए 3,479.83 करोड़ के अनुमानित अतिरिक्त राशि की जरूरत होगी। केंद्र की जवाबदेही 90 प्रतिशत बनती है जो अनुमानित 3,131.85 करोड़ रूपए होती है।

kuk date sheet M.Ed+B.Ed(new syllabus)+B.Ed(reappear)+B.Ed(distance i&2 year)+B.Ed(Shikha Shastri)+(D.Ed) Ist and 2nd Year

Date-sheet for M.Ed. (General) Examination commencing from 14.7.2011
Time of Examination: 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. (Evening Session)
Examination Centres: B-1, Goalpura, Swami Devi Dyal College of Education
B-6, Ambala City-3, S.A. Jain College
B-7, Ambala Cantt.-1, S.D. College
B-13, Yamuna Nagar-3, G.N. Khalsa College (Block-I)
B-17, Jagadhri-2, M.A. Mahavidyalaya
B-46, Karnal-6, Dyal Singh College
B-51, Panipat-3, Arya College (Block-I)
B-69, Hisar-3, D.N. College
B-78, Fathahbad, M.M. College (Block-I)
B-86, Sirsa-3, Shah Satnamji Boys College
B-91, Kurukshetra, University Community Hall
B-92, Kurukshetra, Department of Education
Date & Day Subject & Paper
JULY, 2011
14th, Thursday Paper-I: Philosophical and Sociological Bases of Education
18th, Monday Paper-II: Advance Educational Psychology
21st, Wednesday Paper-III: Research Methodology and Statistics in Education
25th, Monday Paper-IV: Comparative Education and Curriculum Development
28th, Thursday Paper-V Opt.(i) Special Education
(ii)Educational Measurement and Evaluation
(iii)Teacher Education
(iv) Computer Education
(v) Adult and Continuing Education
AUGUST, 2011
Ist, Monday
Paper-VI: Opt.(i) Management and Administration of Education
(ii) Educational Technology
(iii) Educational and Vocational Guidance
(iv) Mental Hygiene & Education
(vi) Advanced Statistical methods in Education
NOTE On getting a question-paper and before answering it, the candidates should check up
and ensure that they have been supplied with the correct question-paper. If the questionpaper
is not correct they may ask the Centre Superintendent for the same. Complaints
in this regard after the examination shall not be entertained.
Date-sheet for Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) (New Syllabus)
Examination commencing from 13.7.2011
Time of Examination : 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. (Evening Session)
Date & Day Subject & Paper
JULY, 2011
I3th, Wednesday Paper-I: Philosophical, Sociological and Economics Bases of Education
15th, Friday Paper-II: Learner, Learning and Cognition
18th, Monday Paper-III (A) Vision of Secondary Education in India in the Context of 21st
Paper-III (B):
Opt. (i) Yoga Education
Opt. (ii) Educational Vocational Guidance and Counselling
Opt. (iii) Health and Physical Education
Opt. (iv) Environmental Education
Opt. (v) Distance and Open Learning
Opt. (vi) Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Opt. (vii) Gender Sensitization and School
Opt. (viii) Human Rights Education
20th, Wednesday Paper-IV (A): Curriculum and School Management
(B): Inclusive Education
22nd, Friday Paper-V (A): Information Communication & Educational Technology
(B): Action Research
25th, Monday Paper-VI&VII Group-A Opt.(i) Teaching of Hindi
Group-A Opt. (ii) Teaching of English
Group-A Opt. (iii) Teaching of Punjabi
Group-A Opt. (v) Teaching of Physical Science
(Old Syllabus 2008-09)
27th, Wednesday
Paper-VI&VII :
Group-B Opt. (i) Teaching of Social Science
Group-B Opt. (ii) Teaching of Science and Technology
Group-B Opt. (iii) Teaching of Commerce
Group-B Opt. (iv) Teaching of Computer Science
Group-B Opt. (v) Teaching of Home Science
Group-B Opt. (vi) Teaching of Geography (Old Syllabus 2008-09)
Group-B Opt. (vii) Teaching of Economics (Old Syllabus 2008-09)
Group-B Opt. (viii) Teaching of History (Old Syllabus 2008-09)
Group-B Opt. (ix) Teaching of Civics (Old Syllabus 2008-09)
29th, Friday Paper-VI&VII :
Group-C: Opt.(i) Teaching of Mathematics
Group-C: Opt.(iii) Teaching of Art (Old Syllabus 2008-09)
Group-C: Opt.(iv) Teaching of Music (Old Syllabus 2008-09)
Group-C: Opt.(v) Teaching of Life Sciences (Old Syllabus 2008-09)
AUGUST, 2011
Ist, Monday
Paper-VI&VII : Group-A(iv) Teaching of Sanskrit
(Only for B.A. with Sanskrit)
Paper-VI&VII :Group-C: Opt.(ii) Teaching of Sanskrit
(Only for M.A. Sanskrit and Shastri students;
they can opt Teaching of Hindi only)
NOTE: On getting a question-paper and before answering it, the candidates should check up and
ensure that they have been supplied with the correct question-paper. If the question-paper
is not correct they may ask the Centre Superintendent for the same. Complaints in this regard
after the examination shall not be entertained.
Date-sheet for Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) (For Re-appear candidates only)
Examination commencing from 13.7.2011
Time of Examination : 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. (Evening Session)
Date & Day Subject & Paper
JULY, 2011
I3th, Wednesday Paper-I: Education in Emerging Indian Society
15th, Friday Paper-II: Psychology of Teaching and Learning
18th, Monday Paper-III (A) Secondary Education and School Management
Paper-III (B): Opt.(i) Education of Exceptional Children
Opt.(ii) Yoga Education
Opt.(iii) Population Education
Opt.(iv) Educational and Vocational Guidance
Opt.(v) Mental Hygiene and Education
Opt.(vi) Adult and Continuing Education
Opt.(vii)Health and Physical Education
Opt.(viii) Science & Technology Education
Opt.(ix) Environmental Education
Opt.(x) Computer Education
Opt.(xi) Educational Measurement & Evaluation
20th, Wednesday Paper-IV: Educational Technology
22nd, Friday Paper-V: Opt. (i) Teaching of Hindi
Opt. (ii) Teaching of English
Opt. (iii) Teaching of Punjabi
Opt. (iv) Teaching of Commerce
Opt. (v) Teaching of Physical Science
Opt. (vi)Teaching of Home Sciences
Opt.(vii) Teaching of Computer Science
25th, Monday Paper-VI: Opt.(i) Teaching of Social Studies
Opt.(ii) Teaching of History
Opt.(iii) Teaching of Civics
Opt.(iv) Teaching of Economics
Opt. (v) Teaching of Mathematics
Opt.(vi) Teaching of Life Sciences
Opt.(vii) Teaching of Geography
Opt.(viii) Teaching of Art
Opt.(ix) Teaching of Music
27th, Wednesday Paper-VI: Opt. (x) Teaching of Sanskrit
NOTE: On getting a question-paper and before answering it, the candidates should check up and
ensure that they have been supplied with the correct question-paper. If the question-paper
is not correct they may ask the Centre Superintendent for the same. Complaints in this regard
after the examination shall not be entertained.
Date-sheet for Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) (2 Year Course) Ist and 2nd Year
(Through Distance Education) Examination commencing
from 13.7.2011.
Time of Examination : 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. (Evening Session)
Examination Centres: B-7, Ambala Cantt.-1, S.D. College
B-27, Kurukshetra-4, University College
B-53, Panipat-5, I.B. College (Block-I)
B-67, Hisar-1, C.R.M. Jat College (Block-I)
B-84, Sirsa-1, Jan Nayak Ch.Devi Lal College of Education
Date & Day Subject & Paper
JULY, 2011
13th, Wednesday
1 s t Year
Paper-I: Philosophical, Sociological and Economics Bases of Education
(New Syllabus)
Group-A : Paper-I: Curriculum and Instruction (Old Syllabus)
15th, Friday Paper-II: Learner, Learning and Cognition (New Syllabus)
Group-A : Paper-II: Psychology of Development and Learning (Old Syllabus)
18th, Monday Paper-V-A: Information Communication and Educational Technology
(New Syllabus)
Group-A : Paper-III: Educational Evaluation (Old Syllabus)
20th, Wednesday Paper-VI: Opt.(i) Teaching of Social Science (New Syllabus)
Group-B :Paper-VI & VII Opt.(i) Teaching of Science (Old Syllabus)
22nd, Friday Paper-VI: Opt.(ii) Teaching of Mathematics (New Syllabus)
(Mathematics is for those who are going to opt Language in the 2nd year)
Group-B :Paper-VI & VII Opt.(ii) Teaching of Mathematics (Old Syllabus)
25th, Monday Paper-VI: Opt.(iii)Teaching of Science and Technology (New Syllabus)
Group-B :Paper-VI & VII Opt.(iii) Teaching of Social Studies (Old Syllabus)
JULY, 2011
14th, Thursday
II Year
Group-A : Paper-IV: Education and Society
16th, Saturday Group-A : Paper-V: Teacher and School
19th, Tuesday Group-B : Paper-VII: Opt.(iv) Teaching of English
Opt.(v) Teaching of Hindi
21st, Thursday Group-C : Paper-VIII: (Special Course) Opt.(i) Educational Technology
Opt.(ii) Computer in Education
Opt.(iii) Guidance and Counseling
Opt.(iv) Distance Education
NOTE: On getting a question-paper and before answering it, the candidates should check up and
ensure that they have been supplied with the correct question-paper. If the question-paper
is not correct they may ask the Centre Superintendent for the same. Complaints in this regard
after the examination shall not be entertained.
Date-sheet for Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) (Shikha Shastri) Examination
commencing from 13.7.2011.
Time of Examination : 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. (Evening Session)
Centre of Examination: B-75-, Mangali Brahman(Hisar), Saraswati College of Education
Date & Day Subject & Paper
JU LY, 2011
I3th, Wednesday
Paper-I: Adhunik Bhartiya Samaj Main Shiksha Ka Udiyaman Paridrish
15th, Friday Paper-II: Shaikshik Manovigyan
18th, Monday
Paper-III: (A) Shaikshik Prodyogiki (2.00 P.M. to 3.30 P.M.)
(B) Kriyatmak Anusandhan (3.30 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.)
20th, Wednesday Paper-IV: Sanskrit Bhasha Vigyan
22nd, Friday Paper-V(A): Shashtra Shikshan (2.00 P.M. to 3.30 P.M.)
i. Vyakarna Shikshan
ii. Sahitya Shikshan
iii. Jyotish Shikshan
iv. Darshan Shikshan
v. Karamkand Shikshan
vi. Puraan Darshan
vii. Dharam Shastra
(B): Adhunik Vishya Shikshan (3.30 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.)
(i) Hindi Bhasha Shikshan
(ii) Samajik Vigyan Shikshan
(iii) Teaching of Mathematics
(iv) Teaching of English
25th, Monday Paper-VI (A) Shaikshik Mapan Mulyankan (2.00 P.M. to 3.30 P.M.)
(B) Shaikshik Prabandhan (3.30 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.)
27th, Wednesday Paper-VII: (A) Bhartiya Shiksha Ki Samsamyik Samasyaen
(2.00 P.M. to 3.30 P.M.)
Paper-VII:(B) (i)Jansankhaya Shiksha
(ii) Proadh Evam Satat Shiksha
(iii)Paryavaran Shiksha
(iv)Shakshikshak Evam Vyavyasik Nirdeshan
(v) Sharirik Shiksha
(vi)Sanganak Shiksha
(3.30 P.M. to 5.00 P.M.)
NOTES: -1. On getting a question-paper and before answering it, the candidates should check
up and ensure that they have been supplied with the correct question-paper.
If the question-paper is not correct they may ask the Centre Superintendent
for the same. Complaints in this regard after the examination shall not be entertained.
2. Part A & B of Papers III,V ,VI & VII will be attempted on separate Answer Books.
Date-sheet for Diploma in Education (D.Ed) Ist and 2nd Year Examination
Commencing from 13.7.2011.
Time of Examination : 2.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. (Evening Session)
Date & Day Subject & Paper
JU LY, 2011
I3th, Wednesday
I Year
Paper-I: Education in Emerging India
15th, Friday Paper-II: Education Psychology
18th, Monday Paper-III: Teacher Functions at Primary Stage
20th, Wednesday Paper-IV: Content-cum-Methodology in Hindi
22nd, Friday Paper-V: Content-cum-Methodology in English
25th, Monday Paper-VI: Teaching of Mathematics
27th, Wednesday Paper-VII: Teaching of Environmental Studies (Social Science EVS-I)
29th, Friday Paper-VIII: Teaching of Environmental Studies (Science EVS-II)
AUGUST, 2011
Ist, Monday Paper-IX: Teaching of Health & Physical Education
4th, Thursday Paper-X: Teaching of Art Education & Work Experience
JULY, 2011
14th, Thursday
II Year
Paper-I: Education in Emerging India
16th, Saturday Paper-II: Educational Psychology
19th, Tuesday Paper-III: Teacher Functions at Primary Stage
21st, Thursday Paper-IV: Content-cum-Methodology in Hindi
23rd, Saturday Paper-V: Content-cum-Methodology in English
26th, Tuesday Paper-VI: Teaching of Mathematics
28th, Thursday Paper-VII: Teaching of Environmental Studies (Social Science EVS-I)
30th, Saturday Paper-VIII: Teaching of Environmental Studies (Science EVS-II)
AUGUST, 2011
3rd, Wednesday
Paper-IX: Teaching of Health & Physical Education
5th, Friday Paper-X: Teaching of Art Education & Work Experience
NOTE: On getting a question-paper and before answering it, the candidates should check
up and ensure that they have been supplied with the correct question-paper.
If the question-paper is not correct they may ask the Centre Superintendent
for the same. Complaints in this regard after the examination shall not be entertained.



Last date to submit filled-in application form to the concerned Regional Centre 15th July, 2011

(The form sent to any other office of the university will not be entertained).Date of Entrance Test - 21st August, 2011

Price : Rs. 500/- (Rs. 500/- at counter and Rs. 550/- by post


In-service teachers with


the requirement of fifty per cent marks shall not apply to persons appointed as

teachers prior to the commencement of the National Council for Teacher

Education (Regulations Norms and Procedure) Second Amendment Regulations,

30.3.2010 and Gazette Notification dt. 26.7.2010.Graduation or Post-Graduation Degree with fifty per cent marks: Provided that


Primary/Graduate/Post Graduate teacher in a primary, secondary/higher/senior

secondary school with registration number recognised by the central or a state

government or a union territory. The teacher should be in service at the time of

submitting application form as well as at the time of producing the original

documents at the Regional Centre. The experience certificate should be issued

by the Principal or Headmaster/Headmistress. The requisite teaching experience

of two years must be completed on or before the last date of submission of

application as notified in the advertisement. An attested photocopy of the

Recognition and Affiliation Certificate issued to the school by the Central or a

State Government or Union Territory must be enclosed along with other

documents at the time of admission.Two years’ full time teaching experience on temporary/permanent basis as


the Central Government/State Government, whichever is applicable. There shall

be relaxation of five percent marks in favour of SC/ST/OBC and other categories

of candidates.

The candidate should submit their application form at the concerned RegionalCentre under whose jurisdiction the school where he/she is working falls

Programme Fee

Rs. 17,400/- for the entire programme in Lump sum in the first year only.

Candidates seeking admission to the B.Ed. programme are advised not to pay the fee along

with the filled-in application form. They will get a separate communication about theiradmission and payment of fee




(v)HINDIThe reservation for SC/ST/OBC and other categories shall be per the rules of(Including Registration Fee)

Last date to submit filled-in application form to the concerned Regional Centre 15th July, 2011

(The form sent to any other office of the university will not be entertained).Date of Entrance Test - 21st August, 2011

Price : Rs. 500/- (Rs. 500/- at counter and Rs. 550/- by post


In-service teachers with


the requirement of fifty per cent marks shall not apply to persons appointed as

teachers prior to the commencement of the National Council for Teacher

Education (Regulations Norms and Procedure) Second Amendment Regulations,

30.3.2010 and Gazette Notification dt. 26.7.2010.Graduation or Post-Graduation Degree with fifty per cent marks: Provided that


Primary/Graduate/Post Graduate teacher in a primary, secondary/higher/senior

secondary school with registration number recognised by the central or a state

government or a union territory. The teacher should be in service at the time of

submitting application form as well as at the time of producing the original

documents at the Regional Centre. The experience certificate should be issued

by the Principal or Headmaster/Headmistress. The requisite teaching experience

of two years must be completed on or before the last date of submission of

application as notified in the advertisement. An attested photocopy of the

Recognition and Affiliation Certificate issued to the school by the Central or a

State Government or Union Territory must be enclosed along with other

documents at the time of admission.Two years’ full time teaching experience on temporary/permanent basis as


the Central Government/State Government, whichever is applicable. There shall

be relaxation of five percent marks in favour of SC/ST/OBC and other categories

of candidates.

The candidate should submit their application form at the concerned RegionalCentre under whose jurisdiction the school where he/she is working falls

Programme Fee

Rs. 17,400/- for the entire programme in Lump sum in the first year only.

Candidates seeking admission to the B.Ed. programme are advised not to pay the fee along

with the filled-in application form. They will get a separate communication about theiradmission and payment of fee




The reservation for SC/ST/OBC and other categories shall be per the rules of(Including Registration Fee)
FOR MORE DETAIL VISIT http://www.ignou.ac.in/

education allowance k liye son ka 5year/1st class me hona jaruri nahi

CTET answer key

Paper-I Primary Classes (set-A)
01. (4)
02. (2)
03. (4)
04. (3)
05. (2)
06. (3)
07. (4)
08. (2)
09. (1)
10. (4)
11. (2)
12. (4)
13. (3)
14. (3)
15. (1)
16. (4)
17. (1)
18. (3)
19. (3)
20. (1)
21. (1)
22. (4)
23. (1)
24. (1)
25. (4)
26. (3)
27. (2)
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143. (2)
144. (4)
145. (2)
146. (2)
147. (1)
148. (1)
149. (4)
150. (3)
Paper-I Primary Classes (set-B)
01. (2)
02. (3)
03. (2)
04. (3)
05. (1)
06. (3)
07. (2)
08. (1)
09. (4)
10. (4)
11. (4)
12. (1)
13. (1)
14. (3)
15. (2)
16. (4)
17. (3)
18. (1)
19. (4)
20. (1)
21. (2)
22. (2)
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24. (1)
25. (3)
26. (3)
27. (4)
28. (1)
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30. (2)
31. (1)
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34. (4)
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36. (1)
37. (1)
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39. (4)
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53. (1)
54. (4)
55. (3)
56. (2)
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63. (4)
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143. (2)
144. (3)
145. (2)
146. (3)
147. (4)
148. (4)
149. (4)
150. (3)
Paper-I Primary Classes (set-C)
01. (1)
02. (2)
03. (3)
04. (3)
05. (4)
06. (1)
07. (4)
08. (4)
09. (4)
10. (2)
11. (2)
12. (1)
13. (2)
14. (4)
15. (4)
16. (3)
17. (3)
18. (3)
19. (1)
20. (2)
21. (1)
22. (1)
23. (4)
24. (2)
25. (2)
26. (1)
27. (1)
28. (4)
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30. (3)
31. (2)
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33. (1)
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38. (1)
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40. (1)
41. (4)
42. (3)
43. (4)
44. (4)
45. (3)
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48. (4)
49. (1)
50. (1)
51. (3)
52. (3)
53. (1)
54. (4)
55. (1)
56. (4)
57. (2)
58. (1)
59. (3)
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119. (4)
120. (4)
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126. (4)
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130. (3)
131. (2)
132. (2)
133. (3)
134. (1)
135. (4)
136. (1)
137. (1)
138. (3)
139. (1)
140. (3)
141. (3)
142. (1)
143. (1)
144. (4)
145. (4)
146. (3)
147. (3)
148. (4)
149. (4)
150. (3)
Paper-I Primary Classes (set-D)
01. (3)
02. (2)
03. (4)
04. (4)
05. (3)
06. (4)
07. (3)
08. (3)
09. (4)
10. (1)
11. (2)
12. (1)
13. (3)
14. (3)
15. (2)
16. (1)
17. (3)
18. (2)
19. (2)
20. (4)
21. (3)
22. (2)
23. (4)
24. (1)
25. (2)
26. (1)
27. (1)
28. (2)
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30. (4)
31. (3)
32. (2)
33. (4)
34. (2)
35. (2)
36. (1)
37. (2)
38. (3)
39. (1)
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41. (1)
42. (4)
43. (3)
44. (1)
45. (2)
46. (3)
47. (3)
48. (3)
49. (4)
50. (2)
51. (3)
52. (2)
53. (2)
54. (2)
55. (1)
56. (3)
57. (1)
58. (2)
59. (3)
60. (4)
61. (4)
62. (1)
63. (4)
64. (1)
65. (4)
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67. (2)
68. (3)
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72. (2)
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78. (1)
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84. (4)
85. (2)
86. (4)
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90. (1)
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94. (4)
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98. (1)
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102. (4)
103. (2)
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115. (4)
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120. (1)
121. (1)
122. (4)
123. (3)
124. (4)
125. (1)
126. (1)
127. (4)
128. (4)
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131. (2)
132. (1)
133. (2)
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137. (1)
138. (1)
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140. (2)
141. (1)
142. (3)
143. (3)
144. (1)
145. (3)
146. (1)
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149. (3)
150. (2)

See Also

Education News Haryana topic wise detail.